Chapter 2

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Chris's POV

My computer beeps, notifying me that I have a new email. I only use my email for one thing and that is work, which means I have a new case. I sigh and pull my laptop over to where I am sitting, I grab my half-eaten chicken for about an hour ago and continue to eat it as I pull my email up. I am surprised to see that the email is from Matthias, the director of the CIA. It reads:


This case is important, especially to me and I need someone who I can trust to run it. I am putting you on it and only you. Please keep James at arm's length until you must have him, he won't be able to help you much.

There have been seven deaths of women in the age range of twenty to thirty. They all have children and married several times each. As I said before the case is important to me personally. One of the women killed was my ex-wife and a close friend of mine. Please keep the investigation quiet.

I bought a house for you to use while you are there. I told James you would be investigating and not to bother you about the case unless you contacted him needing help. It is the town of Stone River where he owns that diner in so he is willing to show you around.

You will pose as a principal of the high school. Many reports have been filed against a teacher there and it will allow you to be in the loop of things in the town through the teenagers. Please be careful.

Matthias Evans

Great, the last time I was in that town things did not end well for me. I never wanted to go back there yet here I am going. I let out a groan and finish my chicken quickly. I toss the box in the trash and head out the door to pack my things. This is going to be a long trip filled with dread. Stone River did not work out well for me last time. Why would it now?

The trip to Stone River is actually a short drive, my dread for my arrival is making the trip go even faster than I would like it to. The only place I know in this town is James's diner which, conveniently named that. He is not an original person at all, but he is my best friend so I have to deal with it. It isn't twenty minutes before I am pulling into the parking lot of the diner. I walk in and head for the back booth I used to always occupy when I was in town.

"James!" I shout knowing he is in the back office. The diner is deserted now anyways. Most people are at work at nine A.M. or the lucky ones are still in bed. James comes waltzing out from behind the counter and comes to sit across from me.

"What brings you here Chris? I haven't seen you in this town for years," James says with a wink. He is keeping appearances up in front of his staff. I roll my eyes at his antics but laugh none the less.

"I need a tour and I heard you were the best in the business," I tell him and stand up. "Come on James I need you to help me find my house now," He just laughs and stands up. I rush out to the car as he is giving instructions to one of his workers before joining me at my car. He climbs in and the act drops as soon as the door shut.

"Dude why did Matthias pick you for this job? He knows that you have a bad past here," James says while shaking his head. I look anywhere but at him, I don't want him to know I am thinking the same thing. What did I do to have Matthias send me here?

"Just help me find the house, James. I don't want to worry about the past right now," I mutter and hand him the address. The rest of the trip is James telling me directions and pointing out things in town. Such as the coffee shop and the grocery store. I think this is one of the smallest towns I have ever been in. The whole town isn't two miles and according to James, everyone knows everyone.

I pull into a driveway after a couple more minutes and stare in awe at the house in front of me. Matthias didn't spare anything when it came to this mission. The house was an older home but it was huge on the outside. It was the white picket fence dream right down to the fence. I laugh at the thought earning a look from James but doesn't say anything about it.

The inside doesn't disappoint either. There is a huge living room with every DVD imaginable, a giant flat-screen decked out with surround sound which I am sure is wired so I can monitor cameras I place around. In the basement is a training room with any kind of equipment I could ever need in a lifetime. I am silent as I take it all in.

"I think my uncle has a crush on you, he likes you better than me that is for sure," James blurts and I laugh.

"I am sure that isn't the case James. I think he just wants this case solved honestly," I mutter, shaking my head at the thought of Matthias having a crush on me. God only knows that would be a sight to see.

"I hate to ditch you, dude. Especially with all the new toys but some of us have to work today. You should check the coffee shop out down the block. They make the best coffee here," He says and heads up the stairs leaving me with my thoughts.

I groan and follow him, maybe I should get out of the house after all. This will be my only chance to people watch before they think I am the new principal. That is the only thing I hate about this job, people think you are something you aren't. I grab my keys and lock the door before walking down the road to the coffee shop.

James said the coffee shop was a hole in the wall but judging by the crowd in here he was lying to me. I sigh and get in line. There aren't many people under the age of twenty in here, I guess It is because they are in school now anyways. I watch as the couple in the corner are fidgeting, the man in front of me rubs his neck angrily and the woman at the register looks panicked with the crowd.

Before long I have my coffee, I look around for somewhere to sit and the only seat is beside a younger looking guy. He has a bruise on his left eye and he is cowering into himself like he is afraid of the world. I walk over to him slowly. I hope I am not going to scare him.

"Do you mind if I sit here. I walked here and it is raining," I say gently as you would to a frightened child. He looks up and I notice his lip is busted, he inches away from me but he shrugs and looks away. I sit slowly and sip on my coffee hoping he will say something. "Do you come here often?" I ask and almost roll my eyes at myself. Since when am I into conversing with strangers. Especially frightened-looking ones. I do not need a repeat of my last relationship.

"Sometimes, not too much lately but I used to," He says without meeting my eyes. I smile at him and he blushes and looks away.

"Shouldn't you be in school? Sorry but you look young," I say and fear goes through his eyes.

"I have to go." He mutters and stands up from the table abruptly and is out the door before I can say a word. He leaves me wondering what just happened? What did I say to cause him to freak out?


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