Chapter 7

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Riley's POV

A hand slaps me across the face knocking me out of my sleep. Cold chains are around my wrists and ankles, keeping me from escaping. I know exactly where I am from the dingy smell alone, the basement of Harold's house. I twist my wrists around trying in vain to escape the chains.

"It is no use boy, I've got you now and you aren't escaping this time." His scratchy voice echoes through the room as he punches me in the ribs. I wince and bite my tongue to keep from making any noise. Hit after hit, he doesn't slow down. I twist and turn trying to escape but it is no use. "You getting bored boy? Let's change it up then." He says as he picks up a knife. Before he can make a cut, something moves in the corner. Both our eyes snap over to see the movement to see who has come into the basement.

"Honey, let me do it. You always have all the fun." An all too familiar voice says making my blood run cold. It is my mother, why would she want to hurt me? She loved me, didn't she? Harold laughs manically but hands her the knife. She does not hesitate to come over to me and make shallow cuts along my stomach. I wince when she slices simply because I thought she would not do this to me. She was always so against anything that could possibly hurt me and now she is tormenting me just like Harold. Do either one of my parents care about me?

"Why?" I whisper to her. The one person I always thought I could trust is hurting me now. She ignores me completely as she continues to cut me up. I see Harold in the corner near the table where he has his tools for inflicting pain. Harold walks up behind her and hands her a hammer of sorts. She grins and kisses him before she takes it and raises it to hit me.

"NO!" I scream as I wake up gasping for air. Hands hold my shoulders but I shove and punch at whoever is holding onto me. No one else is going to hurt me, not now, not after that nightmare. Finally, my eyes focus and I see Chris sitting beside me looking as terrified as I felt.

"Riley, it is just me. You are safe." Chris tells me, as he slowly reaches out to place a hand on my shoulder. I relax slightly and bite my lip to keep from sobbing to my dismay a whimper escapes me. "Oh, Riley come here, you are okay. I promise." He tells me. I lean towards him and fall into his shoulder, I can't keep the tears at bay anymore. I whimper again as the tears break free and the dam bursts. I can feel his wet shirt sticking to my face but right now I am scared to move. I gasp for air as sobs choke me. "Shhh. You are okay. I am here. Let it all out." He whispers into my ear as he runs his hands through my hair.

"Thank you." I mumble as I pull away from him embarrassed. Blood is running down his arm but he doesn't seem to care. I turn to face the wall so I don't have to meet his eyes. Why am I dreaming about my mother? And why was she hitting me? Why did I hurt Chris? My head is pounding from a migraine I am sure I will have for a while since I was crying. Chris continues to rub my back but doesn't say anything. I think he can sense that I am still freaked out from the nightmare. I rub my hands across my face and flop back onto my back.

"Riley, lay back down and rest. You are safe now." He tells me. I glance over my shoulder and see he has stopped the bleeding with a tissue. He gently puts his hand on my arm and guides me back to a lying position while sitting on the edge of the bed.

"What happened to your arm?" I managed to get out after breathing slowly. Chris looks at his arm.

"I was holding you, trying to keep you from hurting yourself. I guess a nail must have caught my arm." He says with a smile. Why is he smiling? I hurt him and he is smiling. I shouldn't be hurting him. I am falling for him and he is smiling because I made him bleed?

"I am so sorry Chris." I say as "I hurt you Chris... You should be mad. Why aren't you mad at me?" I whisper not meeting his eyes.

"Because it was an accident Ri. I can't be mad at you when you were having a nightmare. Even if I was mad I wouldn't hurt you. I am perfectly fine. See?" He holds his arm out so I can see the scratch that stopped bleeding a few minutes ago. He pulls his arm away and opens them to me.

"You told me you would tell me why you keep risking your job for me," I mutter and hide a grin that threatens to show. I have to force my eyes away from his lips.

"I am scared to tell you Riley. What if I scare you away?" He asks while looking anywhere but at me.

I reach over and put my hand on his and squeeze. His eyes snap over to me and they are huge, like comically huge. I let out a small laugh before sitting back up and scooting to the headboard to lean.

"I know we don't know each other but Chris, you are the only person who can touch me and I don't flinch. I mean even my best friend touched my shoulder and I flinched away. How messed up is that. Harold ruined me and I hate it. I don't know why but I trust you enough to sleep in a house with a near stranger," I say in a rush.

"I don't work for the school system Ri, I am here investigating a case for the CIA and the principle job is my cover," He mumbles but I manage to make out the words.

I stare at him with my mouth open. He is an agent? The CIA? I thought that was terrorism? Why is he here?

"What? Why here? What is happening?" I manage to squeak out.

"I can't really tell you without causing problems Ri, what I can tell you is that it involves your mom. If you want I can see what my boss says about having you help out."

"My mom? Was she a terrorist?" Why would she have been a terrorist? That can't be right.

"No Riley, my boss has a special interest in this case. It involves some of his family. Let me make a quick call while you get ready and I will see what I can tell you," he says and heads out the door.

I wiggle out from under the covers and throw on my clothes that were neatly folded on the nightstand. Chris had washed them, I smile at the thought. I should be scared of him especially since he isn't even working for the school. I wish I knew why I was so drawn to him and why I trust him. This isn't like me. I sigh before making my way to the bathroom.


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