Chapter 6.

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Chris's POV

I wasn't expecting my first day to be so hectic. I was expecting to have the suck-ups and the bad kids and hoping I saw Riley again. Now here he is laying against me on the sofa in my office. It is already past lunch hour but I don't want to wake him. Someone knocks on my door and I am forced to slide out from under Riley. I slowly fix my clothes before opening the door to my office.

"Hello, How can I help you?" I manage to get out without sounding sleepy.

"My name is Kyle. I was wanting to report that a teacher is accusing a student of raping girls," The small blue-haired boy says.

I hold my hand up and step into the small foyer area and close my door. Riley isn't going to like this but now I am actually going to have to fire Mr. Adams because someone else is reporting it.

"Okay Kyle, I am going to need you to tell me everything that happened," I say and pull out a chair at one of the tables.

"Riley wasn't paying attention and Mr. Adams started yelling at him and bringing his mom up who died. He said stuff about Riley using his depressed look to attract girls and told him that since he was eighteen it was considered rape. Riley is gay and he would never do something like that," Kyle says in one breath.

"Okay. If you could give me a moment to write down what you told me I am going to let you read it and sign saying that I didn't fabricate the entire thing," I explain as I hurry to write out the explanation. "Alrighty. Here is the paper just read over it and sign here"

Kyle skims the paper by the way his eyes move I know he isn't actually reading every word but I didn't write anything he didn't say so I don't really care. He scribbles his name across the line and pushes the paper back to me.

"What will happen?"

"Mr. Adams will get a chance to write his statement and then I will send all the statements to the board and they will make their decision," I tell him. "If there were more people who witnessed this could you have them write out what they saw and sign it or come see me?"

"Yes sir. I will tell the rest of the class," He says and rushes out the door.

I sign and look at my office door. Riley is not going to be happy about this. The bell signaling that the last class of the day is starting shakes me out of my thoughts. I head back into my office and close the door quietly. I head over to my desk to start writing a report of what I saw when I went into the room earlier and sign it before starting a folder. I busy myself with the paperwork for this school to keep myself from staring at Riley.

After a little while Riley starts to stir on the couch. His face is scrunched up and he is tossing and turning. I don't really know what to do except watch him. To my luck, the dismissal bell rings and he jerks awake, sitting straight up. I jump up and rush to the chair beside the couch.

"You ok?" I ask him watching as his eyes dart around the room. They settle on the clock on the desk widen slightly if I hadn't been watching I wouldn't have saw it.

"Oh my god. I slept all day. I am in so much trouble," He mutters to himself " I have kept you here late. I am so sorry,"

"It is alright Riley. I didn't even know what time it was. The final bell just rang. Do you need a ride to where you are staying?"

"No I can walk it isn't far," He stands as he tries to straighten the wrinkles out of his shirt when his stomach growls and he blushes.

"What about some food? My best friend owns a diner down the road and I was heading there anyway," I stand and start grabbing my things.

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