Chapter 5.

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Riley's POV

I have been on my own for about two weeks and everyone in town knows I ran away. Harold hasn't bothered to file a police report or look for me and I am perfectly fine with that. I told Rachel the truth about running away since she knew about the abuse. The best part is that she doesn't pity me. I have noticed lately when she will put a hand on my shoulder to get my attention that I edge away. I know Rach would never hurt me but I can't get the feeling of him touching me out of my head.

Rumors have flown about there being a new principal coming in tomorrow. I hope he isn't strict about locking doors since I spend most of my nights in the locker room. I put my bag of clothes and track bag in my locker in there and switch them out when I need them. I was usually the last to leave track practice so it doesn't look weird. Rach has offered to let me stay with her but I know her parents have their hands full with their five kids since Rach is the oldest that leaves one in kindergarten and the other two don't go to school yet. Rach's dad works two full-time jobs just to support his family so her mom can stay home with the kids. I couldn't be there. I would feel like I was intruding.

"Riley! Are you even paying attention?" Mr. Adams shouts while hitting my desk. I jump at the noise but quickly regain my composure.

"I'm sorry, what did you say?" I ask, I was not paying attention and from last experience with this teacher he was not going to let the situation go.

"Pay attention." Mr. Adams says and I nod hoping the gods are looking down on me today.

"Ok," I say quietly but he doesn't stop there.

"I know your type." He says. No, the gods are not going in my favor today.

"You don't know anything." I snarl suddenly more defensive then I have been for a while. I am shocked by my own reaction to the statement.

"Sure I do. I've seen your kind before. You lose someone and push everyone away and close yourself into a box. Starving for attention. Do you think girls dig that? You use it to get in their pants, don't you? Do you know what that's called Riley? Rape since you are eighteen." He says and I lose my composure. I stand up and punch him before my brain even registers the thought. He grabs his nose as blood starts running out of it. I try not to smirk at the shocked look in his eyes.

"Ri," Rach says and I focus deeply on her voice trying to convince myself that he doesn't know what Harold does to me in his free time.

How can he accuse me of such a thing when he has no clue what I go through? Who does this man think he is to accuse me of raping people? Do I seem like that kind of person?

"You don't know shit," I say and drop his collar. I get deep satisfaction from the crack his skull makes on the tile floor.

"Excuse me but you need to come with me." A man says from the threshold. I taste the blood from the force of my teeth on my lip. I am shaking from anger. I have never had this reaction to something before.

"And who might you be?" I ask as politely as I can manage given the circumstance I think I did well. That's when I realize it is the man from the coffee shop.

"I am the new principal, Mr. Smith. Please follow me, it seems we have something to discuss." Mr. Smith says and without looking behind him to see if I followed him he walks out the door and down the hallway towards the front office. That's when I realize he is the guy from the coffee shop. I stand and gather my things and rush to catch up with him. He leads me to his office and before I think I grab his arm to get his attention. Again, I shock myself with this reaction. I usually avoid touch at all costs. What is going on with me today?

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