Chapter 9

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Riley's POV

I drive down the familiar roads towards my own personal hell. When I left I never expected to come back. Chris is staring at me from the passenger seat but James is sitting behind him fidgeting.

"So where are we going, cutie?" James finally breaks the silence.

I fight off the emotions that are threatening to show but I know I am unsuccessful when Chris puts his hand on my leg. I don't care if James sees but I don't know how Chris feels about it.

"Home?" I answer after my own thoughts become unbearable.

"Is that a question or a statement?" He asks with a laugh. I know he doesn't know about my home life but it makes me angry none the less.

"I don't know is home where you get the shit beat out of you? Where he drags you to the basement to tie you up and-" I break off when my voice cracks and neither of them say anything for the rest of the ride to Harold's house.

I park in the edge of the road refusing to pull in the driveway way and we all get out. Chris is behind me as we walk up the cracked concrete that has weeds growing through the cracks. I don't bother to knock and just walk right in.

"Harold your bitch is back" Sue yells towards the stairs. I notice James grabs Chris's arms but he shakes him off.

"Ri, that is Mr. Adams's wife, well I guess ex." He mutters in my ear. His lips brush against my ear as he speaks and I shiver.

Harold comes stomping down the stairs and stops in front of me. He doesn't acknowledge the others but he tries to touch me and I step back which puts me right up against Chris. I am so close I can feel the heat of his body against my back. I nearly jump out of my skin when I feel him put his hand on my back and rub slowly. The way we are standing I know no one else can see but I appreciate the thought anyway.

"We need to talk," I say and Harold walks into the living room before plopping down on the couch. I always thought about taking it apart so I could watch him fall through it but the beating I get after wouldn't be worth it.

"What is there to talk about brat?" Harold asks. Chris's hand is still on my back, he can't know how distracting that is or he wouldn't keep it there.

"Do you have a brother?" James asks not waiting for me to speak. I am actually glad of that though.

"Who the hell are you?" Harold yells and he turns firetruck red in the face again. I snicker softly before sighing.

"Answer the question," I tell him still trying to hide the emotions that play across my face. I should have known better than to bring them here.

"Little brat has gained some confidence. Matthias and Avery. Who are you two?" Harold asks again.

"Time to go." I manage to get out. Much longer in here and I am going to run out again.

"You are not going anywhere," Harold says and reaches to grab me. As he does Chris starts to move but I don't give him time. I grab Harold's wrist and twist before shoving him backward.

"Yeah, poor Harold doesn't want to lose his sex toy now does he." I sneer before grabbing Chris's arm with shaking hands and dragging him out. I hand him the keys before sliding into the car.

The car is silent on the way back to the diner leaving me alone with my thoughts. I can't believe I said that to Harold now Chris knows and he won't want me around. I messed up. Who wants someone so broken. I should just leave. I look over to Chris and I can see how hard he is thinking. His eyes are creased and his nose is slightly scrunched.

"I am proud of you Riley, I know that had to have been hard," Chris says and squeezes my hand I didn't even know he was still holding.

"You can ask you know. I can see the wheels turning in your head." I manage to get out.

"I am actually trying to convince myself that I shouldn't go kill that man," He admits while looking at the road.

"It wouldn't help anything. What happened is over because I am not going back to him,"

He pulls into the garage and gets out. I slowly undo my seatbelt as what I just said sinks in. I really don't have to go back to him. Even if Chris doesn't want me I can still stay away. The car door opens and I jump causing my head to hit something. Chris holds his hand out to me and I take it. He pulls me out of the car and into his arms.

I look up at him and can't help the smile on my face. I have never felt safer with anyone. I start into his brown eyes and work my way down to his lips before glancing back at his eyes. He leans down and kisses me gently and I tiptoe to be the same height as him and press into him. His arms go around my waist and squeeze me into his body,

I can't tell where his body begins and my body ends we are so close but I don't feel the tingling on my back I normally feel when someone touches me. He tastes like mint chocolate and I love it. This could become addicting. He pulls away too soon and I frown before learning forward and pecking his lips again. He pulls me into the house before we stop at the sofa. That's when something hits me like a ton of bricks.

"Did you say that Sue was Mr. Adams's ex-wife?" I blurt out.

"I kiss you and that is what you are thinking about?" Chris says with a teasing smile.

"No, but it just hit me," I laugh.

"Yes she is his ex."

"Can you look into Mr. Adams's background a little and see if there is anything there. He just rubs me the wrong way even before the incident at school." I mutter.

"Sure I will start a background check. Speaking of I need to tell you something that is happening with Mr. Adams and I am afraid you won't like it." He says and pulls out his laptop before starting some program and leaning back into the couch. I lay over against him and he kisses the top of my head before sighing. "There was another student who reported the incident with Adams and filed a report against him. Then he got several other students who witnessed everything to come and report him as well. I was forced to send them in and he had to make his statement. Basically he was fired for misconduct towards you."

"Oh, crap," I mutter. "He is gonna be pissed off at me."


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