Damon and Bonnie 18

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"What about the baby?" asked Bonnie rubbing her tummy instinctively.

"This isn't a trip to your local donut shop. I can't promise that you're going to be safe let alone your baby. You could both die or just one of you," he said looking down at her stomach.

"If Damon was here he would tell you that we don't subscribe to ifs and maybes. Just tell me how to bring him back."

"I can't because no one has ever come back. If I let you go this world goes bye bye and I never see you again," said Mason reaching out to caress her face.

"Don't," she cried shrinking away from his touch. "Damon would say that their is always a first for everything and he's usually the first," said Bonnie teary eyed.

"This isn't Earth either," said Mason stoically.

"If I were Damon I wouldn't even make a plan. Plans go awry its probably just best to wing it. So just tell me how to get down there?"

"Damon says, Damon says!" yelled Mason slamming his hands down on the table frustrated. "You're alone now and Bonnie and you have someone else to think about other than yourself?"

"Up until recently Damon and I thought I was just carrying some weird bog beast," snorted Bonnie.

"Bog Beast?" asked Mason quizzically.

"It doesn't matter. All I know is that I could just be pregnant because you decided that the puppets in your little fish bowl needed something else to do."

"Be realistic Bonnie. What sense does that make? I care about you deeply I'd never wish another mans child on you. The baby's here now; the first of its kind there's got to be a reason for that," said Mason standing up to touch her stomach lightly.

"So what's your solution?" she asked glaring at him darkly. He dropped his hands. "Is your solution that I just go back to normal. Walk amongst the robots like I don't know what they are. Like I don't know where he is. Come home alone to an empty home and deliver a baby that may or may not even be real."

"We've talked about this she/he is very real."

"And what happens to Damon," she asked waving away his words. "He's down there right now burning and being tortured. Do you realize how quickly the days here turn into months and the months turn into years? What am I doing in all that time Mason that even compares to half of what he has to endure."

"Giving birth and being a mom."

"I never thought i'd ever be a parent neither did Damon. We loved each other before this baby. He'll love me after," said Bonnie standing up straighter with each word.

"You sure about that, Bonnie?"

"He was never ours anyway. We never even bought any baby things." She knew she was lying, but she had to say something to get him to come to her way of thinking. In actuality Damon had just bought a crib for her upstairs that he hadn't even begun to set up. That he'd never set up for her.

"It's a boy?" asked Mason with one eyebrow raised.

"No, we decided not to find out. I just call it that sometimes because calling the baby it was starting to get a little weird."

"I don't want you to hate me. I just want the best for you."

"I don't hate you I'm just not necessarily excited about your existence," admitted Bonnie hesitantly.

He nodded as if he understand touching her head gently, "I'm going to give you the only thing that might help you. Help you both."

"What's that?" she asked hopefully.

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