Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Once entering the college, I was surprised at how empty it seemed. There were only a few students hanging around in the hallways and outside the classes. Maybe because almost half the school was crowded around outside. I checked my cellphone; it was 8:20. There were still ten minutes until my first class starts. I looked over my schedule carefully once again just to make sure I don't end up in the wrong class. Today I had only two classes: English Literature: Room B32 and Creative Writing: Room B57. I had no idea where room B32 was and I had no map. Darn It! Just then, I spotted Chad standing by one of the classrooms with two other boys. I smiled and walked my way over to him.

"Um, excuse me, Chad?" I tapped him lightly on one of his broad shoulders. He turned around swiftly and smiled wide. The two boys who were standing with him looked puzzled.

 "Leah!" he exclaimed, "what a nice surprise!" He then turned back around, "I'll see you guys later." The two boys winked at him, stared me up and down and walked off. Awkward! "Yeah, so what's up? Are you having a problem?" he stared into my eyes waiting for an answer. Man, those eyes are dreamy; anyone can get lost in them. And I think I was starting to so I looked down at my schedule,

"Uh, yes. Do you happen to know where Room B32 is?"

"Ahhh, yes. The English wing. How can I not know? Are you an English major? You have mostly English classes." he asked staring at the schedule in my hand. "

Yup." I replied, "so, can you please tell me where it is. I don't want to be late."

He laughed, "How about I walk you there instead, my class dosen't start for a while." I nodded and we started walking.

"So, Leah. Tell me more about yourself. Do you live near here?" he suddenly started walking closer to me, so close our arms touched. His arm felt so warm against my skin, it sent a chill down my spine.

"Um, yeah like a few minutes away." I moved a little farther away, a groups of girls were starting to stare.

"Hey, Chad!"one of the girls raced over and pulled him into a hug. She was tall and skinny and had long blonde hair with brown highlights. Her eyes were locked into mine; she was glaring.

"Hey Jessie. How are you?" Chad asked giving her a small smile and lightly taking her hands off of him .

 "I'm always great after seeing you." she winked running a finger down his shirt. I rolled my eyes. Desperate much. "Who's she?" she suddenly asked looking me up and down. What is up with people looking me up and down? Am I some sort of abonormal creature? Chad's smile suddenly got bigger,

"This is Leah. She's a freshman."

"Oh." Jessie answered giving me a look.

 "Hi." I greeted faking a smile. Jessie didn't bother answering though, she put all her attention back to Chad.

 "So, Chad. You wanna go out for lunch today? Just you and me?" she was doing that finger thing again. Ew! I could tell by Chad's expression he was feeling uncomfortable.

He moved back slightly, "I'd love to Jessie but I have to go home for lunch today."

Jessie looked a little shocked by his answer, "Go home? Well okay how about tommorrow? Are you going to be here?"

Chad suddenly took out his cellphone."Oh, look at the time! I have to go drop Leah off to her class. I'll catch you later." he pulled my arm and we walked off leaving a frustrated Jessie behind. Chad let out a big sigh, "She's never going to leave me alone." he muttered running a hand through his hair. His eyebrows were furrowed together.

"Isn't she your friend though?" I asked curiously.

"Not exactly. We were just lab partners in chemistry class freshman year. She has a major crush on me! But I don't even like her in that way."

I laughed. "She seems desperate!"

He laughed too, "Yeah, she's not the only one." he shook his head. Wow, alot of girls are crazy for Chad. I wouldn't blame them. He was adorable but I did not want to act desperate like them so i'm just going to play it cool.

"Hmm." I nodded looking ahead.

 "That's why I like you." he said suddenly looking over at me, "You're..different." I looked up at him, he flashed a big smile. I think my heart just melted. I smiled back keeping my excitiement inside,

"Thanks." After a moment of awkward silence, we reached the english wing.

"Well, here we are. Your classroom is just down the hall. Can you manage to get there yourself?" he winked.

"Of course. Thank you so much."

"Anytime. See you around, Leah And do text me." I nodded and he flashed his gorgoeous smile again and watched me walk off.

 My heart was pounding super fast. "He is amazing." I thought to myself smiling.

All throughout Literature class, I could not stop thinking about Chad. His amazing smile, perfect hair, warm touch, light green eyes, muscular body...ahhhhhh. Once class ended, I felt relieved. I could not pay attention another minute! I needed a break. I checked the time; 10:20. I still had twenty more minutes until creative writing. I decided to go to class early at first but that would seem wierd. Then, I saw a sign pointing to the cafeteria. Hmm, maybe I could get a snack or something. I followed the sign until I reached the cafeteria. I walked up to the vending machine. There was someone already there in a wheelchair punching in numbers. He was very serious looking and had short curly dark brown hair and was wearing a light blue short-sleeved polo shirt. I waited behind him until he finished. He started rolling his wheelchair backward until I suddenly yelped. He looked up stunned.

"Oh, i'm so sorry. I didn't realize anyone was behind me." His worried light blue eyes looked into mine.

"It's alright!" I smiled. He nodded and just wheeled away, the serious expression came back onto his face. Does he know how to smile?

After getting myself a bag of chips and a soda, I walked to class. I was starting to get to know my way around a little with the help of the signs of course. When I entered my creative writing class, I noticed the same guy again sitting in the front of the classroom. His wheelchair was on the side of his desk. There was not alot of students in the room though, there were still 10 minutes until class. I sat myself down two rows away from "wheelchair" dude. He glanced at me for a moment and looked down at his notebook. Again, no smile at all. He must be having a bad day. I opened my bag of chips and soda and chomped down. I noticed while eating that "wheelchair" dude was stealing serious glances at me. Okay, now I really think I must be some abnormal creature!

Class dragged by but thank goodness "wheelchair" dude stopped looking over at me. He was listening closely to Professor Hayley, our teacher, and writing endlessly in a small little notebook at the same time. After class ended while walking out I noticed he was struggling to get himself onto this wheelchair. The teacher was too into her laptop to notice. I walked over to him.

"Hey, do you need help?" I asked putting out my hand.

He looked up surprised. "Uh, no I'm used to it. I already caused you trouble at the vending machine."

 I smiled, "It's not that big of a deal. You were just about to squash me to death with your wheelchair!" I noticed he flinched at the word "death". Did I say something wrong? Ignoring my "humor", he finally got himself onto his chair. I noticed my hand was awkwardly still out so I put it down. "Um, I'm sorry. Did I say something wrong?" I asked hoping for an answer.

"No." he bluntly replied sighing loudly, rubbing his leg, "thanks for the help though." His notebook suddenly dropped and I quickly picked it up. "Thanks again." He mumbled snatching it from my hands and wheeling himself past me towards the door of the classroom. How rude!

"Bye, Jake!" the teached called out. He gave her a short wave and was gone. Oh, so that's his name!

 "Jake!" I accidently grumbled out loud.

"Excuse me?" Prof. Hayley asked looking at me curiously.

"Eh, nothing. Bye!." I rushed past her desk and into the hallway. That Jake was one wierd guy.

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