Time to take back Gallia...

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Chapter 1

"Time to take back Gallia..."

Jenna – Hey ya. The name's Jenna Halsey, and I'm the commander of the Sky Dreadnought, callsign Flight Alpha. It's been 6 months that the Sky Dreadnought went through its final phase and on its maiden voyage while I'm in command. I was really impressed of Doc Ichiro that he came along to the Sky Dreadnought's official launch. It took guts. Actually... he was the one who had the idea of making the aerial battleship in the first place. And it started with a power source, just after his death was faked.


Los Angeles, California... Liberion... Early September 1939...

Ichiro sighed as he was lying down on the bed late night in an ordinary hotel room. It felt like a year to him that he had to leave his old life behind to figure out what else would be next in countering the Neuroi. He needed to give others assurance that Neuroi forces would be pushed back to a corner. The invention of the Striker Unit was a success that he knows was his own, and nothing should change it. But now that the situation is different, he had to find another way that the Neuroi could be pushed back for years later. Perhaps another experimental striker unit? No... he had already done prototypes, but only certain variations may work. What about a battleship? When he thought of it, it was a good idea. It seemed a battleship might work out, but he doesn't believe its combat capabilities would be effective, so it's also scratched. The problem with battleships is although they show power, they can't be saved by Neuroi beams that can easily damage them. They're facing an enemy on a whole new level.

'Countries will fall at this rate.' He thought of it and closed his eyes, while disappointed. 'I've done it just to get away... No... I've done it to think. This... They have to be stopped. If this is the kind of damage they'll be making, how long until this so-called war they declared would actually end?' Knocks on the apartment door disturbed him and he opened his eyes wide to look towards that direction. He then sat up and got off the bed.

Going for the door and opening it, Ichiro catches the glimpse of an Indigo jacket wearing man in his 20's. He was wearing a black derby hat while he has black hair beneath it. He even noticed the man had brown eyes. From the looks of it, he's a Liberion. "Yes?"

The jacketed man smirked. "So you're Doctor Miyafuji, huh?" And just as he wanted to continue more, he saw the doctor get suspicious and suddenly pushed the door closed but the man put his foot to block the door and gently pushed it back open. Ichiro stepped back. "Whoa... You've got to relax, Doc."

"Who are you? And how do you know me?"

"Easy there, pal. Name's Tyler Fray... agent of the League of Nations Intelligence Agency." Tyler then shows his badge and wallet with his identification on it. "I was sent here for your protection until your official project drafting begins. Mind if I come in?"

Ichiro examined Tyler. 'He's a little shady.'

"You don't need to worry about me. I'm not one of your enemies, so to speak."

"Are you sure?"

"Why wouldn't I be? Or do you just want me to show myself in?" With Tyler's question, Ichiro remain unchanged. "I guess that's my cue." He stepped into the apartment room and gently pushed the door close behind him. "I'm sorry if disturbing you at a time like this. I needed if you were safe behind closed doors. Anyone could sneak in and find you here."

"How'd you know I have enemies?"

"I didn't need to ask the director about it either. A man who revolutionizes warfare even in the air can also make enemies. Doc, like it or not, some people disagree with the modern Striker Unit's introduction to the military. I mean... we all hide behind the powerful witches, right? I mean... witches fight instead of using military power. We can't blame anyone. We had to find our own trump card anyway."

Sky Dreadnought: Flight AlphaWhere stories live. Discover now