Ride of the Shocking Valkyrie...

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Chapter 2

"Ride of the Shocking Valkyrie..."

Leona – Either I'm seeing things, or my Britannian mind is making a fool out of me...

The afternoon of that day... September 1944...

I'm nearby the base of the 501st. Oh yes... you would ask what a 19 year old like me is doing nearby at Dover. Oh... and if you're asking... a driver's beside me right now. He's wearing all black right now, sitting next to me. And I was there... talking to him. The things we saw, were an aircraft carrier that was first being attacked by what seems to be something bipedal. It looks like a tank, but it's actually shooting red beams while the whole gear was colored black. It seems that thing was actually a fighting Neuroi machine, but I've never seen something like that.

What really got me shook up is the fact that a flying ship is seen from afar. I couldn't believe it when I saw it for the first time there.

Then we see that carrier went down deeper in the water when a series of cannon shells were hitting that bipedal fighting machine. It crashed to the carrier... but it wasn't over. A little later... that carrier became a Neuroi and it was evident when it left the waters with a Neuroi hide.

"Oh... I'm worried." The driver said before he stood up from where he once sat.

"What do you mean?"

"Lynette... She's actually there. I was supposed to pick her up after the master informed me of the disbandment of the 501st Joint Fighter Wing."

"Wait a minute... the 501st is disbanded?! Then who are those witches? You said that Lynette is there!"

"Yes... It's confusing indeed."

"Well... if that's the case, maybe I could do something for a change."

"What do you mean?"

"I was once an absorption witch. I once sucked up a pocket of dark magic somewhere... Dublin, if I'm right."

"Wait... Dublin's in the Britannian Irish provinces!"

"I know, right? See... There's a way to try throw a few things... and I may have something to help with that. That carrier's on the loose, and maybe I can do something. See... my being absorption witch changed me into something else. Mind if you step back?" And Leona saw the driver walk a distance from her. "Thank you."

"Whatever would happen maybe you'd be terrifying."

Leona smirked at him before showing red eyes showing hints of electricity from within. "You have no idea, small fry." She put her arms around her body before red electricity surrounded her before she screamed in pain, then started to laugh in her pain. "Guhahaha... That's it... MAKE ME burn... MAKE ME FEEL IT!!! HERE WE GO!!!" And with one final scream a big red thunderbolt fell from above and shocked her before the ground shook. Dust formed around her and what simply captivated him was the forming of flesh from dust. Not only was he terrified but he saw flesh and organs being made in a giant size for some reason. Then as the flesh was formed and a body was made from dust, he saw the patterns forming all over the body with red thunderbolt tattoos seen on it. Seeing the body was a female's and now standing up he saw her smirking at him while she's attached to the giant's nape. Soon, she was covered by the new body's flesh and was under the nape. Now in her titan form standing 18 feet tall and finished on transforming, she looked towards where the carrier is, and it's rising on altitude. 'They won't be able to take on it alone.' Briefly glancing down at the terrified driver on the ground, she snorted. 'You could only endanger yourself while you're with me. It's best you get left behind.' She looked back at the carrier about to reach the clouds. She saw the cannons from the flying ship fire at the Neurified carrier while she opened her right hand before an electricity formed through her hand. Soon, the representation of a blue thunderbolt grew from her hand as she held it and felt its warmth and shock. She held on tight to it before she positioned herself in her throwing position. 'I have to try damaging it enough. These things have cores and carrier have thick skins to regenerate. Only a person with a good size can enter. I hope my lightning bolts help.'

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