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Chapter 3


Yoshika – It's actually nice seeing my father again. I actually thought he was dead. The real time I felt somehow sad was the fact that he left, and much more when I found out he's missing... or dead. My mother's actually crying that time too. Everything changed when the news came to us. And now that he's around again... things changed again. I was happier more than ever...

Then came November...

Mid November, 1944... Yokosuka...

0922 hours... Miyafuji residence...

"You can't!" Yoshika stomped her foot at the soil in front of their house that sunny day. "Please... not again."

Ichiro glanced away for a while. "I know. I'm doing it again."

"Well I want things to be different! Oto-san... I don't want you to leave me like this! Although I'm a reserve and I can study again, why did you decide on leaving again? I thought you're already done with the Sky Dreadnought?"

"Yoshika... there's much we still have to do before I leave it in good hands with the Liberion officials. I have to make sure that the sweat and blood we got on developing and building the ship itself will not go in vain. After all... there's much we still need to consider for it to be combat-worthy."

"But isn't that battle against that carrier not enough?"

"It isn't. It's only known as the introduction. Remember... we've gone against the Warlock and destroyed it, but it's not enough. There's more combat experience that's needed before it's considered as an official vessel, since we went past development protocols after all. This is a ship unlike any other, and we have to make sure it's in working condition for everyone to recognize it."

"Oh. Right... you released it while it's still not official, and it's only temporary while it's in jurisdiction of Britannia, right?"


"Well..." Yoshika frowned, knowing she's running out of options. 'He's just here for a month, and now he's leaving again...'

"Yoshika, I'll return."

"How would I know?"


"Please!!" Yoshika glanced at him with a glare. "At least take me along with you!"

"I can't. I'm not going to ruin your life again."

"But isn't that what you've done when..." And Yoshika gasped. What did she say just then?

This made Ichiro snap before he held her shoulders and shook them. "What is it?! You think I did it before?!"

"Well, isn't it true?"

Ichiro winced. He never thought about it before, but she's certainly getting the wrong idea. "That's not what I intended."

"But it happened, didn't it?!"

"Please understand."

"I know. Maybe I never will." She made one last glare before she pulled herself away from his grip, then turned around and ran for it.

"W-wait!" Ichiro's call never reached the now running Yoshika, heading towards the direction of her school. 'She had it wrong.'

"She didn't take it well?" Sayaka was walking towards Ichiro, who's now looking at the direction Yoshika ran to.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2016 ⏰

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