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Anakin walked into a room, where there was four little stools. The stools were used by the Jedi for meditation. Master Yoda was sitting on the far corner one, where he sat silently.
"Master Yoda, sorry to bother you but..." Anakin was cut short.
"Know why your here, I do. Have a seat, you must." Yoda interrupted.
"Thank you." Anakin said quickly sitting down on the stool closest to him.
"Worried about your padawan, are you?" Yoda asked.
"Well... Yes. I sense much darkness. I sense the Dark Side." Anakin spoke worried.
"Sense the Dark Side, we all do. Be careful, you must."
"If I have to be careful, then why am I even getting a new padawan?"
"Leading you to, the Force is."
"But why? What if I cant fight the darkness?"
"Fight the darkness, you must. The Chosen One, you are."
"But what if I'm not the Chosen One?"
"The Chosen One, you are. Sense it I do."
"But you know many of the Jedi don't believe that!"
"Know this, I do. Prove it to them, you must."
"What? How am I supposed to prove to Jedi Masters that I am the Chosen One?"
"Difficult, it will be. Fight the Darkness, you must. Take on the padawan, you will."
"I know but... Thank you Master Yoda. When will my padawan arrive?"
"This evening, she will arrive. Dakota Nova, her name is."
"This evening?" Anakin's eyes were wide with shock.
"Yes. Get ready, you must." Yoda said finally opening his eyes.
"Thank you, master. Dakota Nova. That has a nice ring to it." Anakin said then quickly got up and left to prepare for his padawan's arrival.

Anakin's NEW Padawan (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now