Hate and Anger is for Siths

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As soon as the door closed Padmé untied Anakin.
"Anakin I'm so happy to see you..." Padmé said hugging him.
"Padmé... Im just happy your alive..." Anakin said as a tear ran down his face. Padmé wiped away Anakin's tear then kissed him.
"I love you..." She whispered in his ear.
"I love you too, Angel." Anakin smiled.
Suddenly the door burst open.
"Well y'all are just so adorable and cute and all that crap, but my Master wants you, Pretty Boy." Dakota said sarcastically, as her soldiers separated Anakin and Padmé. Anakin was then brought out of the room, away from Padmé against his will.
"Struggle all you want, but if you escape, our third guest will die and that would unfortunate... For you." Dakota said with a smirk.
"Who the heck is this third guest you keep talking about?" Anakin said frustrated.
"Just an old friend of yours." Dakota said with a laugh.
"Your frustrating. Your so going to be the death of me..." Anakin said sarcastically.
"I sure hope so." Dakota smirked. They then entered a room where there was a long table and at the end of it sat a hooded figure who wore a smug smile. The figure was joined by two men Anakin didn't recognize. Anakin already had a bad feeling about this figure.
"Ah Skywalker, How nice of you to join us." The figure wickedly spoke.
"Well I can't say the same." Anakin replied. The cloaked figure just simply chuckled at Anakin's remark. Then the man to left of the cloaked figure spoke up.
"For a man with such a good reputation, you don't seem much like a Jedi. I can feel your anger and hate. Two very typical Sith traits, not Jedi." The left hand man laughed.
"You really should consider joining us. We have so much more to offer." The man to the right of the cloaked figure spoke.
"I will never join you." Anakin spat.
"See? So much anger! So much hate. You really would be strong if you joined us." The right hand man laughed.
"I don't need your strength." Anakin simple stated.
"Alright then. Looks like we are gonna have to do this the fun way." The left hand man said clicking on his com link and spoke "bring our third guest in" into it. Anakin could then hear a familiar voice struggling to get away from the guards. The door then opened to reveal a face that Anakin, oh so dearly missed.

Kinda a filler chapter. Sorry its not very exciting.
Q: who do you think our third guest is?!?!?

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