Q&A to the Haddock Siblings and bf/gf part 1

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At the Activity Room

Jamesy: *adjusting the camera* Is this okay now? *looks at the Siblings*

Victor: I bit higher please

Winter: No a bit lower

Victor: No higher!

Winter: No lower!!

Victor and Winter: *argues*

Autumn: I think that's okay now

Jamesy: Mkay, I'm going to start the video now *switches camera on* *goes in front of the camera* Hey guys! This is PricklyGamer and right now with me are... *sits on the couch with the Haddocks*


*cue applause*

Victor: Hey guys! Well as you know me, I'm Victor Stoick Haddock the eldest

Autumn: Followed by me, Autumn Layla Haddock

Jamesy: Then me Jamesy Regine Haddock aka PricklyGamer

Winter: Then last but not the least, Winter Snow Haddock

Jamesy: So let's get started shall we- *gets cut off*

Autumn: Woah woah woah woah woah, we forgot some people right?

Victor: Oh yeah... Hey guys show yourselves!!

Darren, Makoto and Spring: *suddenly pops up behind the couch* HEY GUYS!!

Spring: Hey everyone, I'm Spring Tesa Johnson Victor's girlfriend

Darren: This is Darren Espanto, Autumn's boyfriend

Makoto: And my name is Makoto Tachibana Jamesy's boyfriend

Winter: So should we start?

All: Yup!

Winter: Okay first question... *randomly selects a question from the box* *gets it out* *reads it* Do you have a crush? -_- Seriously... Well how should I say this... Um, no next!

Jamesy: *randomly gets a question from the box* *gets it out* Last Time you cried? Um last weekend because I watched a video about Jesus Christ *one tear fell*

Makoto: Okay my turn *picks random question* Biggest fear? Um I'm afraid of the... ocean... *gets embarrassed*

Autumn: Seriously? You're a swimmer and you're afraid of the ocean?

Makoto: Don't judge me...

Autumn: *rolls eyes* *picks a question* Last song you listened? Um it was Love Yourself by Justin Bieber, next!

Darren: *picks a question* Last person I texted? Um... *looks at his phone* Autumn, next!

Winter: *picks a question* Relationship Status? *groans* Do I always get the lovey dovey questions? -_____- Single, next!

Victor: *picks a question* Zodiac? Cancer (I actually have no idea if it's the right one)

Autumn: *picks a question* How long you and Darren have been dating? A year and 1 month

Darren: *kisses Autumn's cheek* Aww you've been counting the days since we've dated :3

Autumn: *blushes* S-Shut up...

Jamesy: *picks a question* Have you tried to commit suicide? Um almost...

Everyone except Jamesy: REALLY?

Jamesy: Y-Yeah, next!

Victor: *picks a question* Most embarrassing moment? Um I accidentally went inside the girls' bathroom

Spring: *glares at Victor*

Victor: *sweat drop* *gulps* N-Next...

Spring: *picks a question* One thing you regret the most? Um meeting Victor-

Victor: WHAT?! I thought you love me T^T

Spring: *giggles* I'm just kidding, meeting you is one of the best things I had, well what I regret the most is probably dancing solo in the ballet competition, I don't know, next!

To be continued...

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