Get in Losers

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"Where's he taking you?" Lydia asked, sifting through Aspen's closet, taking something out every few minutes and setting it aside.

Aspen sat at her mirror, brushing through her blonde hair, nonchalantly replying, "Dinner, movie, and then back to his place. Why?"

Lydia raised an eyebrow at her sister and she frowned. "What?"

Lydia laughed a little, looking away and muttering, "Nothing, Snow White."

Fifteen minutes later, Liam was at the door, a smile on his face. Aspen opened it, an even larger one gracing over her lips at the sight of him.

"You look great," she grinned. He looked at her, saying playfully, "You don't look too bad yourself, Martin." She looked him up and down, spotting the two bouquets  of pink and red roses in his hands.

"Why'd you get two?" she asked, tilting her head a little to look up at him. He blushed, biting his lip, and flushing, "I-I didn't knew which ones you'd like better so I.." He paused to scratch the back of his neck. "I bought them both."

Aspen's heart fluttered and she put a hand on his bicep, pushing herself onto the toes of her flats to kiss him, pressing her lips to his.

His face was red when she pulled away from him, whispering, "Let's go before Mom wants pictures." He laughed a little breathlessly and she followed him to his beat up car, his hand clasped tightly in hers.

They drove an hour before Liam had finally pulled into the dark parking lot of a restaurant. It was an Italian restaurant, one much more expensive-looking that the one in downtown Beacon Hills, with bright yellow, fancy cursive on the sign.

"I made reservations for 6:30," Liam said, "I'll go in and see if they can get us in earlier." Aspen nodded and he kissed her cheek briefly before climbing out of the car, leaving her slightly flustered and red-faced.

He came back ten minutes later, his eyebrows furrowed in anger. She stepped out of the car. "Babe? What's wrong?"

Liam didn't reply, just bit his lip hard, his shoulders heaving. "Liam?" He looked up at her, his eyes yellow. "Woah," she said, grabbing his shoulder, "Calm down and talk to me."

Aspen listened to him intently, her face remaining neutral through out the whole story of how he had, in fact, not made a reservation and that it was a four hour wait. By then, his eyes were back to their soft blue, no longer filled with anger towards "Stupid Restaurant Woman".

"I'm sorry," he finally concluded, a weary look on his face. She smiled and reassured him, "Don't be. It wasn't your fault." He sent her a fake smile and she laced her fingers back with his, pulling him back to the car.

They drove to a local, run-down seafood restaurant just half a mile away, with no wait, and were seated immediately. Aspen didn't have to heart to tell him she wasn't really into seafood.

After they had ordered (Aspen a shrimp salad, Liam some kind of weird sandwich) the two made small talk, both subtly making sure that no supernatural talk made it into the conversation. They found themselves actually having fun in the dinky, dirty restaurant, probably more fun than they would have in the fancy one.

Twenty minutes later, they were finished eating and making their way to the car, holding hands and laughing together.

He had opened the door for her, waiting until she was inside before closing it. Little did he know, her dress was caught in the door, the fabric tearing when she tried to straighten it out.

Aspen sucked in a breath, looking at the ruined blue dress.

She caught Liam's cringing gaze, immediately saying, "It's okay. It's fine."

Everything Has Changed [LIAM DUNBAR] #2Where stories live. Discover now