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(10 years from present)

(I'm sorry this is so cliche.........)


"Stiles I swear to God," Lydia spat into her phone at her husband of 2 years, "If you screw up my little sister's wedding, I'll skin you alive."

The strawberry blonde was stalking down the hall of the chapel the wedding was being held in at a furious pace, clutching her cell phone tightly. Stiles had yet to show up with the wedding cake, the previously prepared one accidentally ruined by an extremely nervous werewolf (aka, Liam Dunbar), and Aspen's nerves were getting the best of her.

"Lyds," Stiles said, attempting to sound nonchalant, "I promise I'll be there on time. Five more minutes."

"You better be, Stilinski," Lydia said. She heard Stiles chuckle on the other end. "You know, technically you're a Stilinski too."

"Don't push it."

Lydia hung up her phone, stuffing it in her tiny Prada bag as she continued down the hall, entering the last door on her right.

"I look so fat in this dress," Kira commented, her eyebrows creased as she examined herself in the blue dress. Lydia patted her shoulder. "You're pregnant. Of course you do."

Kira smiled at her and Malia stepped out of the dressing room, her dress twisted in all the wrong ways. She frowned at the straps on her shoulders and looked, troubled, at Lydia.

Lydia ran over to help her just as Hayden arrived into the room, a bag of food in her arms. She teetered on her heels over to Kira and Kira accepted the food generously, groaning as she shoved a whole Hersey's bar into her mouth. The kitsune sighed in pleasure, rubbing her stomach.

Hayden leaned her head toward the dressing room area, where Aspen hid inside. "I brought you frozen yogurt," Hayden called, "Strawberry Pomegranate with M&M's."

A hand shot out from behind the curtain and Hayden tutted. "Nope. We've gotta see the dress if you want the yogurt."

Aspen's hand retreated behind the curtain and there was a sigh before the red sheet was pushed aside, revealing the blonde in her white dress.

Hayden grinned. "There we go." She handed the cup of pink yogurt over, Aspen taking it gratefully.

The door opened and Stiles stepped in, Stiles and Lydia's daughter, Allison, on his hip in her dress that matched Lydia, Malia, Kira, and Hayden's. Stiles' eyes were squeezed shut as he said, "Cake's here, Lyds. Husband here also."

The strawberry blonde accepted the little girl, pressing a quick kiss to Stiles' lips. "Thank you babe. Now help Scott. He needs it."

Stiles nodded, peeking through his fingers at his wife, but only got a view of her hands shoving him out.

He snorted sarcastically. "Love you too Lyds!"

Stiles hurried down the hall where the groom's room was, hastily slipping inside.

He was met with Mason gripping Liam's shoulders tightly as they faced the mirror. "You can do this," Mason assured him, "It's just Aspen."

Stiles cursed, looking around, spotting Liam, Scott, Mason, even Derek. "Where's Lahey?"

Liam spun around. "What do you mean, where's Lahey?"

Scott shook his head. "Isaac.. Aspen wanted him here and he promised-"

The door popped open suddenly, hitting Stiles in the back, the blonde werewolf stepping in, his jacket unbuttoned, tie hanging loosely around his neck.

Everything Has Changed [LIAM DUNBAR] #2Where stories live. Discover now