Hide and Seek is a Dangerous Game

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It's been five days. Five days since Hayden, Liam, and Aspen were kidnapped. Five days since Aspen last talked to Scott. Five days since she had spoken to Liam.

Five days of dealing with Mason's desperate attempts to get them talking again.

Liam didn't really know if they were officially broken up or not, and if they were, he knew it wasn't just because he didn't tell her about the plan at the high school.

The two chimeras that they knew of- Hayden and Corey- were doing great- better than great, actually. Aspen was still worried though, trying to keep Hayden protected, but Hayden wasn't oblivious. She knew that they might show up at any time, that Mercury could pour from her in seconds and they'd never know it. There was nothing that could protect them, not even check ups after every period of the day.

"I'm fine Aspen," Hayden groaned, shouldering her bag higher as they met in between two buses. Aspen gave her a sympathetic smile. "Sorry.. But I'll see you in History, right?" Hayden nodded.

"Then at lunch?"

"I have Math," Hayden replied. Aspen nodded, pursing her lips. "Okay so I'll meet you at your locker before the bell."

Hayden nodded again. "They only come out after dark, right? You don't have to check on me every period."

Aspen let her gaze fall from her friend for a second. "Yeah.. I know. But I want to."

Hayden grinned. "Okay."

"You're gonna be fine," Aspen assured her, "I promise." Aspen grabbed Hayden's wrist and started pulling her put from in between the buses. "Now let's go see if-"

She stopped short, staring at Liam in front of her, his hand awkwardly on his backpack strap, behind him standing Mason. Liam stopped also, his eyes meeting her's.

Aspen turned on her heel to go the opposite way, but Hayden was there, her arms over her chest. She shook her head, saying, "Talk to him." Aspen glared at her, spinning around to see Mason standing the same way, talking animatedly to Liam. He turned back around, pressing his lips together and looking at the ground.

Mason and Hayden left, both really standing just around the corner, and both teenagers stood awkwardly, neither meeting the other's gaze.

Liam was the first to speak. "It's a full moon tomorrow night. A supermoon." Aspen shook her head a little. "I'm not a werewolf."

"I-I know that," Liam muttered, "I was just, I-I mean.. I need you. You're my anchor." Aspen looked up at him sadly. "Not anymore."

"Aspen," Liam growled, "Go. Y-you need to leave."

She shook her head, taking a step closer to him. "I'm not going anywhere." Liam's eyes flared gold and his breath grew uneven, the handcuffs on his wrists digging into his skin. "I don't want to hurt you."

Aspen put a gentle hand on his jaw. "You won't."

Liam reached for Aspen's hand but she pulled it away. "So is this it?" he asked incredulously, "After all we've been through, this is how it ends?"

Liam's gold eyes flicked up to her. "How are you so sure?" A gentle smile danced across her mouth. "Don't ask so many questions, Babe. Just focus on me."

"I.." Aspen muttered, her eyes finding his again, "I don't know if I can trust you anymore." She couldn't say it. Tears gathered on the brims of her eyes and she tried to blink them away. "What can I do to get you to trust me again, Aspen?" he asked, his face scrunching up in concern.

"I can't," he breathed out, his claws digging into the palms of his skin, "I can't Aspen." She nodded, unclenching his fists and lacing her fingers through his instead. "Yes you can," she reassured him, "I know you can, because I know you, Liam."

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