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"Attachment is forbidden. Possession is forbidden. Compassion, which I would define as unconditional love, is central to the Jedi's life. So you might say that, we are encouraged to love."
- Anakin Skywalker

The thought.

It was like a neglected animal, struggling to find it's way to the her attention. It never failed to find it, either.

Months had passed since the great battle on Starkiller base, and the thought continued to haunt the apprentice. Even after Luke Skywalker's rescue mission, it still continued. To the point where the girl would find herself meditating, as some sort of refuge. The thought kept Rey up at night, her mind always poking and prodding over the same damn question.

What was it that Kylo Ren had said?

That question pestered her like a needy toddler. Rey had wondered for hours upon hours; what Kylo Ren had said whilst she cleared her mind to control the force. The horrific scenes of the bloodied, impure, white blanket of snow haunted her memories. Tainting what bit of innocence was left.

"You need a teacher. I can show you the ways of the force!"

The invitation sounded almost as if he cared, which was a stupid thing for Rey to think. But, it was all she heard before she completely blanked the man out.

Kylo Ren is a monster. Rey had to remind herself of this when she found herself questioning him. No, she would never have feelings for such an atrocious man, but when it came to seeing how broken Leia was, she couldn't help but imagine Kylo Ren or Ben, as a healthy, kind, resentful man of the light side.

But of course, that was merely hope.

Yes, Rey wished he would succumb to the light, but she knew it was an impossible task. He was shrouded in self-glory, molded into a monster, but under that sickening thick coat of darkness, Rey knew he was only but a broken, manipulated boy.

That was enough to make Rey sick to her stomach. Who could ever believe Snoke's lies? Well, apparently Kylo Ren. But, you would have to be very foolish to fall under the spell of such a foul beast. Kylo Ren was foolish enough for it, well, Ben Solo was.

Rey would go off to train with Luke for 6 months, then come back home to the resistance base for another 6 months, then repeat. She found this cycle to to work very smoothly.

Rey awoke with a jolt. Sweat beads were formed on her peach-colored skin. She rolled off her cot and onto her knees, gasping for air. Finn, sharing the same room as her, also awoke from the commotion.

"Rey?!" His voice was tinted with concern, worry.

Finn scrambled to the floor and sat in front of her, scanning her face for any sign of pain, then he gave a sigh of relief. "Same nightmare?"

Rey could only nod. She had been having the same nightmare for the past, hell, who knows how long. Ever since her and Kylo's battle on Starkiller.

Finn took Rey in his arms, and they sat like that for what seemed like forever. It was soothing to Rey.

But, deep down inside of her. The apprentice knew she had an attachment to the thought.

That thought.


AN: holy crap I am so unprofessional. I hope all of you who are reading this, enjoy this reylo fanfic that is about to come to life. I honestly love these two so much. But don't worry, I added some ReyxFinn too, so don't freak out. Any constructive criticism is reccomended! I'm so excited to be doing this! Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. Also, any hate towards the ships encountered in the fanfic is NOT tolerated at all. I will be forced to block you. Just because you don't like a ship, or think Rey and Kylo are related, does not mean you have the right to be rude to me or the ship. You can dislike it, yes, but any directed hate will not be accepted. Thank you and I hope you enjoy!

*Disclaimer* I do not own any fan art featured in this, I give complete credit to whoever made the amazing art!

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