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I'm so sorry I haven't written lately! School has been biting me in the butt. This chapter will be longer than the last.

Rey's POV:

I awoke to a glimpse of sunlight peaking through the window, and I drowsily sat upright in the bed. I squinted my eyes at the window. It looked already noon. Then, I my gaze trailed over to the messy bed across the cold, stone floor. It was Finn's.

A small smile sneaked its way onto my lips. I never minded sharing a room with Finn, I'd rather it be with him than anyone else. In fact, I trust him more than anyone else, if I'm being completely honest.

After I dressed myself and freshened up, I waved my hand over a scanner and the gleaming metal door slid open, revealing a long hallway. I strolled out, staring down at the weapon tucked deep into my belt. Ever since Master Luke has returned, I've felt somewhat complete. I no longer feel like a nobody.

Once I made my way around the halls and out the exit at the resistance base, I was met with the cold, frosty air. Around me were few pilots chatting, and a large tent in the middle of the snow. I cringed as the following words were spoken.

"Hey Dawn, there's that Jedi girl, Ugh, Rey." One of the pilots said.

"I would've never knew she was a Jedi if you didn't tell me." A girl pilot scoffed.

Me either, truly.

Sometimes I forget that I'm even here. Alongside the resistance, being trained by the best Jedi of them all.

The tent entrance was pulled aside and revealed Chewie holding Finn in a headlock while Poe Dameron cheered them on, and General Leia discussing plans of some sort to a soldier.

Poe turned to face me once he noticed me. "Well look who finally dragged themselves out of bed." He chuckled.

With that, Chewie stopped attempting to choke Finn out, and Finn quickly brushed himself off and stood up nice and tall. "Good afternoon Rey." Finn smiled that trademark pearly white smile that he's usually never seen without.

"Thanks." I laughed, watching Leia approach me. She stopped once she got close enough to me and spoke directly.

"If you three don't mind, I'd like to speak with Rey, alone."

Alone? This must be pretty serious if she wants the others to leave the room. Perhaps it's only a mission and I'm just overthinking the matter.

I watched as the three idiots shrugged in unison and followed eachother out of the dimly-lit tent. Then my attention was back on Leia.

"I have a special mission for you, Rey. And it's one that could be considered."

Considered? Is she implying that it might be dangerous? Or difficult?

"Alright." I heaved out, eager for the general's reply.

"You could call it a rescue mission." She spoke apprehensively.

"Rescue.. Mission?" I echoed.

Rescue Mission? For who? I already attended to Master Luke's finding, now this? Do I ever get a break?

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