Chapter Four

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Splinter, a great master, meditated constantly. Where could his sons possibly have gone? He had great faith that they were still alive but couldn't get ahold of them. So he waited...

Wedding day arrived. Donnie paced around their cell, feeling nervous and a little excited because he was finally being released. What would the day hold? He glanced over at Leo, and then away, biting his lip.

Leo meditated in the corner, asking for guidance in this temporary situation, asking for help on being a good father if the time was ever to come, and for the strength to avoid committing suicide because it seemed like a viable option for him. He breathed in and out slowly, eyes shut. Don't be too forward. What's forward and what's just talking to him? Would it seem weird for me to hold his hand?

Mikey watched them, rolling his eyes. "Idiots. They don't have to do this, right Raph?"
"Of course not. They're being wimps and not trying to fight. I can't believe this." Raph watched Leo, glaring at him. "You know what they do to gays on earth, right?" He called to him.

"I'm not gay." Leo responded, cheeks flushing. "I have to go now, and the guards will be back for you two some time tomorrow, early I assume. Come visit us, then."

"Maybe we will. But Leo.." Raph motioned him to come closer. "Please don't go through with mating with him. That's so sick."
"I know.. it's been bothering me for days now. But I don't think I have a choice anymore. I'm sorry, Raph."
"So you're giving up then?!"

"No. I am escaping the legal way. I'm not going to rot in this prison for the rest of my life, so I'm going to do whatever it takes to get my freedom back."
And then he was gone.

Mikey and Raph were given the opportunity to watch the wedding but refused to, saying it was sick.
But I don't think it was a forced wedding anymore. I believe that.. the two turtles were very much okay with this arranged marriage. They'd gotten over it.

Donnie's hands shook as he took Leo's, unable to look at him without a slight blush. He felt ready to faint as the vows were said. They were not forced to kiss or anything so it was made less awkward.
He closed his eyes as the final words were said, body trembling. They were married, as long as they stayed on Halcyon's planet of course. The marriage was null and void on any other planet. Which was some sort of hope for the pair, so Splinter would not disown them once returning to Earth.

That's what bothered Leo the most. He could accept it, but he knew their father would be very upset if he ever was to find out. But.. who's to say he ever would?

The sun set, and Leonardo headed down a street leading to the quiet end of town. "Where are we going, Leo?" Donnie asked quietly, thinking about the possible life ahead of them.  What would it be like to be married? It was something he always wanted to do, when the time came right. Donnie was twenty one years old, and still felt too young to do so.

"Our new house.. for now anyway."
"Will I like it?"
"I think so... I know I do." He smiled softly, stopping in front of a cottage with a little garden, on the very edge of town. The beautiful tall mountains were close by, seemingly safe, but Leo had no idea what was on the other side. "Here we are."

"Oh Leo.. it's beautiful. I love it." He looked at Leo, then away, chewing on his lip. Thinking about what Michelangelo had said to him.
I'm not going to have 13 kids and stay at home. This is temporary. Mikey's being dramatic.

"I think.. it would be a good place to start a family.. if you want to. Or we could go to the river and jump off the bridge... I'm not going to force you to do anything." Leo stuffed his hands in his pockets, feeling awkward. Don't be stupid. Donnie doesn't want to do anything with you.

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