Chapter 3 (The power- puff girls)

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[A/N so here’s the update. This is dedicated to @deardiary96 he knows he’s awesome. Lol. Read his dark romance if you like. Now remote okay i.e. Read, Comment, Vote]

Chapter 3

It was 5 in the evening, when I finally left the arms of my bed and checked my exam schedule its statistics paper tomorrow; I knew it already but was double checking it. I quickly went into the bathroom washed my face with my strawberry face wash and started studying.

Chapter 1 was linear programming and trust me referring those big formulae and sums my mind exploded. But I needed to concentrate on studies so I opened my windows to get fresh air which could get my minds off things and place it on right ones which are studies now. Speaking of things I totally forgot Jason and Mass fight. Damn when I’m gonna stop going into the highlights of my past. It was 3 hours and hope they have things sorted out I knew Mass wouldn’t tell me now what happened so I called Jason. As soon as I hit the call button the ‘Got to love you’ song began exploding near my bedroom. And I thought it must be my bro but again I was mistaken when my eyes drift to my bedroom door and there he was smiling like evil god with one notebook and car keys in hand, Jason.

I ended the call as well as the silence.

“What the f*ck are you doing here?” Ops I was surprised to hear the ‘F’ word so loudly from my mouth. I covered my mouth so that Jason didn’t notice my reaction of the F word from my mouth.

“Whoa finally, you said what I was waiting to hear since a year. You do abuse.”  He grinned and sat beside me on my bed. I knew he isn’t gonna leave that. So let’s not make him win, I thought.

“So, how did I do with the ‘F’ word?” I chuckled making goodie girl expressions.

“Bingo, now let’s see what you gonna say the next abuse to me. And if you don’t know the words; I can teach you, you know I know it all.” He told me this with his soft and serious tone. And I did the only thing my body knows.

I frowned.

“And now a days I have learnt the mix typo ones too. I have made new words. You would be crazy to hear those words, trust me. So where shall we begin? I think you should start with the basic one and one day will reach at the mix ones too. Just imagine.” He seemed like he was really imagining me giving abuse and that too mix types. Not that I didn’t know how to abuse but I don’t usually like to, and my evil friends always find a way to annoy me so that I will abuse them. Great friends?

Jason was still looking in the ceiling I took a look at it I thought there was something interesting to see which I haven’t noticed but he was day dreaming with his eyes open so I popped out his balloon of abuse, abuse land and I pinched me hard on his arms.  

‘AWWWW’ next thing I know he was rubbing off his arms and screaming like a girl.

“You look like non violet girl but this pinch you have brings out your aww--- ” he didn’t complete his sentence still was rubbing his arms and I was panting with laughter. I knew my strength- My pinch can make a person see stars in the daylight too. Yes, it’s so powerful. Suddenly I was feeling like power puff girl and soon I thought there would be cloak behind my shoulder and I would fly and save the world from evil friend like Jason who doesn’t let another friend study in the examination time. I grinned at the thought of power puff girls, as there were three of them buttercup, blossom and bubbles. I liked the red one blossom but I didn’t know about my other two girls’. Wait I have Massie who could be bubbles and how about Jason doing male butter cup job. Perfect. As blossom was with great mind I enjoyed being the greatest one.

“Thinking about naked men?” Jason interrupted in my super hero world with the naked thing. Again, urgh I hate Jass.

“Right now I’m planning ways to kill you.” I sarcastically taunted.

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