Chapter 1 (I thought I was gonna get kissed today)

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[A/N: Hey ya all! Plz give this story a chance. You won’t be disappointed I promise! Read/Comment/Vote]

Chapter 1 (I thought I was gonna get kissed today)

What you do when you feel nervous? Talk too much? Be quiet? Scream? Laugh?

Well, it’s not same in my case.

“Rose sweetheart, you crying?” my Mom just came out of nowhere just disturbing me from my ‘I’m ok’ look.

“Just nervous” She giggled and handed me glass of milk.

“Here, com’on you are gonna be late for school!” I took the glass from her and within one breathe drank the whole thing. Even though she knew I didn’t like it, I have to drink it without any if or buts or else there would be world war 3 and she’s gonna win today I know. As soon as she left with the glass in the kitchen I ran to the bathroom to puke. I knew this was gonna happen but she won’t listen to me!

Now that’s what I do whenever I’m nervous. Interesting, right?

“Damn girl what’s the matter with you?” Mom came and rubbed my back to make me feel better but it’s not going to be better until I reach there.

“I’m fine now. Thanks mom” Note the sarcasm so I just grab some orange juice and the mouth freshener to get rid of that stupid smell.

I checked myself in mirror for the last time: Blue shorts, Black T, extremely awesome my straight hair not to forget my black heels. Perfect. I watched the time it was 7:30 AM and Massie could be here any minute now. As I was fixing my hair the voice came. 

“You didn’t forget your mark today. Awesome” Derek my devilish angelic brother grinned while leaning against the door.

“What mark?” I shrugged.

“The one you leave in every exams, every morning, every day in--” With every words he came near me when I broke off.

“Just wish me luck and let me go. Stop irritating me now.”

“I just came by to check you have fresh air or else the boy you will kiss today would puke in your mouth” he was just smirking. Just to answer his question I kissed him on cheek.

“See! It’s fresh right?”

“Totally --”

Beep beep beep. That was my sign of running. Massie my friend my ride is here. We both are like we always Ace our test and she’s my best friend too not to mention she’s really psychotic I mean childish let’s see what she story she had to tell me today. Yeah story she’s like the most dramatic girl I have ever met and important note she doesn’t know about my puke tradition of course or else she will make it worse for me to talk to her in exams. But this tradition only lasts at home, I’m fine when I leave home.

“Coming” I screamed and ran down to the door.

“Stupid sis, you forgot your hall ticket. Here” oh thank god to bro or else I won’t be able to sit in the exams. I took it and ran outside and heard two voices: ‘Best of luck’

“Morning miss you’re late again. Com’on let me drive now” Massie looked and I saw like she was more than nervous than me. Without arguing she shifted to the passenger seat and I drove the car.

“Jeez, what happen to you?” I broke the silence.

“I haven’t studied. Still I have 3 chapters to remaining and we have exam in like one hour.” She face-palmed herself and started reading loudly. And I know what next to do to cheer her up. I played the music and it was Justin Beiber’s ‘Boyfriend’

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