Chapter 14

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The hubbub of the train platform was deafening, Harry couldn't even hear Hermione shouting next to him. Everyone was buzzing from Christmas, eager to share their stories of what happened at their household. Hermione gave up trying to talk to Harry as they quickly said goodbye to her parents. Hermione charged ahead to find them a compartment while Harry stowed away their trunks.


Hermione plonked down on the compartment seat, smiling to herself. She couldn't believe how lucky she was to have Harry as her boyfriend. Not because he was Harry Potter, but because he cared about her and made her laugh when she was upset. Just then the door slid open, and Draco Malfoy stepped in.
"Well, what do we have here? All alone Granger? Scar-face finally realised how stupid he was to date you?" He said with a smirk.
"Clear off Malfoy." She said, in a bored tone. It took her a moment to realise that someone else had said the same words that she did. But it wasn't just one person. She looked up to see Harry... and Ron?!
"What are you doing here?" She said, glaring at the redhead who'd broken her heart.
"I'm really sorry M'ione-" he started.
"Don't call me that! Besides, I thought we made it clear that we didn't want to see or speak to you again! Come on Harry." She grabbed his hand and stormed away, making sure she knocked Ron and Malfoy on her way past them, Harry in tow.


"Hey, mind if we sit with you guys?" Hermione asked, tentatively.
"Sure!" Neville smiled.
"Thanks. We had a run in with You-know-who." She said.
Neville paled. "You- you what?! He's back?"
Hermione realized what she had said.
"Not Voldemort! Ron." She said, with a look of disgust.
"Oh." Neville looked down in shame.
Hermione turned to Harry. "I'm sorry Harry, I don't know what came over me. Malfoy was winding me up and then that idiot shows up and thinks it's ok to just start talking to me as if nothing ever happened!" She cried in indignation.
"It's ok M'ione. If they ever come up to you I'll pound them." Harry assured her.
"Thanks Harry." She smiled weakly and kissed him on the cheek.
They didn't notice the faint whisper that came from Luna, "OTP..."

- 3 weeks later -

"I'm going to the Library, Harry. Don't worry I'll be quick. You go to bed, Goodnight." Ron heard Hermione say. She's going to the Library, so that's where he would go.


"Where is it?" Hermione muttered to herself. She knew where everything was in the Library, they couldn't have rearranged the order, could they? She shrugged her shoulders and began to make her way out of the enormous room. She would just have to wait til tommorow and ask Madam Pince. Since she was the school's most avid reader, she was granted access to the Library at all times, even when it wasn't open. Sure, it was technically after hours, but she was the only student out of dorms. What could go wrong? She found out exactly what, when she turned out of the Library. A figure slammed her into the wall, pinning her down. She let out a little squeal of fear before being cut off. They were kissing her. She struggled under the enourmous strength before they pulled away. Only then did she find out who it was. Ron.
"What are you doing? Get off me!" She screamed, terrified. But he didn't let go.
"Hermione I'm really sorry. I love you. I broke up with Lavender. I love you." He repeated.
"I don't care. The only person I love is Harry. And right now, because of you, I've just cheated on him!" She started to cry. Then he leaned in again and she managed to scream again, in hopes that someone, anyone, would come rescue her. But this isn't what she wanted, or expected. Harry. He turned the corner and stopped short, hurt clearly etched on his face. At this point, Ron finally let go of her. "Harry!" She cried. She ran to him falling into his arms, still sobbing. Only to be pushed away. She looked up, confused. Harry didn't look hurt anymore, he looked angry.
"Care to fill me in, Hermione?" He said in a strained voice. All of his body was tensed, and he stood on the balls of his feet.
"Harry, he attacked me and- and pinned me to the wall. It wasn't my fault." She sobbed, tears rolling down her face. "It wasn't my fault, Harry."
"How come you kissed him back? I saw what I saw, Hermione." He was shouting now. He loved her so much, how could she do this to him?
"You saw wrong Harry. If I wanted to kiss him would I be shaking like a wet leaf?" She cried, raising her voice too.
"You're crying so I'll believe you. I'm not dumb. Besides, remember why we did this in the first place?" He said, voice back to normal. And with that, he walked away. Leaving Ron and Hermione outside the Library. Ron. Hermione turned, and leaped. She punched him in the gut twice, before leaving him behind too. She ran in the direction Harry went. She finally caught up with him outside the common room. Grabbing his arm, she turned him around.
"Harry, please." She looked at him pleadingly, eyes swimming with tears.
He turned away from her, said the password, and went through. She only just managed to get through before it closed again. But by then Harry had already disappeared. She stormed into the girls dorm, and collapsed on her bed. She cried herself to sleep that night.

- A/N -
So, finally, after 3 months. I uploaded! Hope you like it :)

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