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I entered the classroom as quietly as I could but still got a glare from the lecturing teacher. I sat down on the first sit I could find which was luckily not at the front of the class.

As I brought out my notebook and pen to start taking down notes I found my mind drifting to him. Chris, he said his name was. Even his name was perfect.

I found my mind drifting to his long blonde hair which had black highlights and stopped at his shoulders giving him that surfer's look.
What would he look like wet, I thought causing shivers to run down my spine.

Ariana consentrate, I thought as I hit myself with my notebook causing people to glance at me with wierd looks. I already knew what they were thinking not like I cared, This girl is crazy.

This didn't stop my mind from drifting back to his body. He had the perfect tan giving him that celebrity look. You could tell he was fit and he worked out a lot. Even under a shirt I could see his protruding muscles especially his abs. Oh, his abs. He had an eight pack and believe me I had counted.

I shook my head again. I had to snap out of it and come back to my senses. As sexy as Chris was, he was probably a player and even if he wasn't he he would never be inrested in a plain Jane like me.

Don't get me wrong I wasn't one of those insecure girls who thought they were unattractive when in reality they were but I was literally an average looking girl.

I had long red, curly hair which reached my waist. I wasn't too skinny and I had a petite shape at 5ft5". I had some curves here and there with C cup boobs and a tiny waist besides that I was pretty average. I wasn't too pretty nor was I ugly. I was perfect the way I was, just right for me.

Besides I wasn't interested in him. Who was I kidding, I was terribly interested and I had developed a crush from just our first encounter. Either way even if I was, I didn't have time for love or for boys.

I was still on that thought when people started rising and I noticed class was dismissed. I got up wanting to get something to eat. I didn't have any classes till later in the day so I could walk around campus and maybe meet some friends.

I had just grabbed something to eat when I realised how tired I was from moving and decided to go back to the dorms to sleep. Walking back to the dorms allowed me to realize how tired I was. All I wanted to do was fall on my bed and sleep. I walked into the dorm not bothering to greet to anyone and unlocked my room. I walked in to meet a naked girl or at least half naked girl, as she was only wrapped in a towel.

I screamed, then she screamed then I screamed again.

"Wait, why are we screaming", she asked.

"Who are you and what are you doing in my room?" I asked. I was still shocked.

"I am your roommate silly. I just came in this morning. My name is Lillian but you can call me Lily", she said stretching her hand out while saying the last part.

I suddenly felt stupid. Of course she was my roommate. How else would she have gotten into my room or our room now.

"I'm Ariana. Nice to meet you", I answered shaking her outstretched hand.

"Nice to meet you. I can tell we would get along well". She walked into the bathroom, probably to get dressed while I lay down on my bed to sleep. I was finally drifting asleep when I heard Lily's voice.

"So I'm guessing you've had classes and been around, so any hot guys?" I could feel my blush coming on strongly, my head going straight to Chris.

"So I'm guessing from that blush you've met someone. Who is he? How hot is he on a scale of one to ten? Which year is he in? Whats his name? Are you in the same..."

"Hold on, hold on. Which am I to answer first", I interupted. "Well, I bumped into him this morning and all I know is that his name is Chris and he is majorly hot."

"So are you going to try to know him better", she asked.

"Definately not. I'm trying my best to avoid him. Boys are distractions and I don't need that right now. Now I would really love to sleep Lily, I haven't got enough sleep since I got here.

I woke up some hours later ready for my next class but terribly hungry. I saw Lily was awake and watching something on her laptop.

"You wanna go grab something to eat?" I asked.

"Sure. I'm really hungry anyways."

When we got to the canteen I got a hot dog and some fries while Lily got a Burger and fries. I could see all the guys giving Lily flirty looks and I couldn't blame them. She was really pretty.

She had long black hair which stopped at half her back. She was petite with curves that had boys drooling. She had an oval shaped head with pink, perfect lips and dimples. She was beautiful and funniest thing she didn't realize it.

We had just sat down to eat when I heard the voice I had been thinking of through out the day.

"Ariana, funny seeing you here."

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