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"General Hanto." the Captain of the Attack Cruiser said stood behind him. Trifeen calmly turned around, he wasn't bothered about the Captain calling him by his real name since he didn't wish to be called Darth Storm until he had proved himself against Anakin.

"Yes?" Trifeen asked.

"Reports are coming in from all over the Galaxy, The Jedi have been slaughtered." the Captain said with a grin. "Anakin Skywalker has also been sighted slaughtering younglings at the Jedi Temple."

Trifeen looked bold like a true military leader and even though he had no clone troopers left he still felt he had the might to carry out his plans. By Trifeen's side was Gwen, so much had changed since they first met, one minute they were but professional partners on the front lines and the next they were traitors to the Republic. "Is there any word on Skywalkers whereabouts now?" He asked with excitement.

"Yes sir! We have tracked him down to the Mustafar system, and he is not alone, Senator Amidala's ship is there as well." The Captain replied also filling him in on any other details he needed to know.

Trifeen grinned "I will take my fighter, set a course for Naboo and stay in orbit until I arrive." Trifeen ordered before heading to his fighter and making an immediate departure to Mustafar.

Meanwhile on Mustafar Anakin was dealing with Padme who was currently trying to turn him back to the Light Side. Sadly she had ultimately failed when Anakin discovered Obi-Wan had hidden aboard her ship.

Trifeen had secretly landed at a landing station on the other side of the lava lake, Under the cover of smoke he then made his way over, quickly but quietly.

"I love you!" Padme said as Anakin noticed Obi-wan walking down the ramp of her ship.

"LIER!" Anakin yelled, beginning to force choke Padme with extreme strength.

"YOU BROUGHT HIM HERE TO KILL ME!" Anakin yelled unaware of the truth.

"Let her go Anakin!" Obi-Wan demanded, but Anakin did not listen. "LET... HER... GO!" Obi-Wan demanded yet again.

Anakin then released Padme and turned to face him. "YOU TURNED HER AGAINST ME!" he screamed in sadness.

"You have done that yourself!" He replied.

Anakin continuing to yell said. "YOU WILL NOT TAKE HER FROM ME!"

Hearing this Obi-Wan then replied with. "Your anger and your lust for power have already done that. You have allowed this dark lord to twist your mind until now you have become the very thing you swore to destroy!"

"Don't lecture me Obi-Wan! I see through the lies of the Jedi. I do not fear the Dark Side as you do! I HAVE BROUGHT PEACE, FREEDOM, JUSTICE, AND SECURITY TO MY NEW EMPIRE" Anakin Proclaimed.

"Your new Empire!" Obi-wan responded.

"Don't make me kill you!" threatened Anakin.

"Anakin my allegiance is to the Republic to DEMOCRACY!" Obi-Wan yelled in regret.

"If you're not with me, then you're my enemy!" Anakin replied, cupping his hand on his saber.

"Only a Sith deals in absolutes. I will do what I must!"

"Oh, will you Master Kenobi?" Trifeen interpreted as the two of them looked to see him walking over a bridge. "Because from my perspective, I'm killing both of you today..." he threatened.

Anakin put on a smile and said "Trifeen I was blind! join us and-"

"I don't want to hear it Anakin" Trifeen interrupted.

Star Wars Storm : Book 1: Rise of An EmpireWhere stories live. Discover now