27. Ghostly Visitors

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Abby's POV:

We got home from the circus late that night, and I was exhausted. Elijah brang me over to the Mikaelsons' house to rest, but as I laid down onto the couch I realised that I didn't want Stefan to be all lonely that night, and I sat up.

Klaus strolled into the room, wearing a blood-stained shirt, all unbuttoned, and he smiled cheerfully at us.

"I trust your day was fun?" he raised an eyebrow, and I slowly nodded at him.

"I trust yours was?" Elijah queried his brother with a smile. Klaus just flicked his dirty collar and strutted up to his room.

Elijah turned to smile at me, and I grinned back tiredly. "Home?"

Soon enough, we were walking hand in hand up the Salvatores' driveway.

I stood on the doorstep then reached up on my tiptoes to give the Mikaelson a kiss. He hugged me goodbye, then I closed the door and ran over to find Stefan.

Of course, he was sprawled on the couch, scribbling into his little diary. As usual.

I jumped over and ruffled his hair, then plopped down onto the couch next to him.

"Had a good day Steffy?"

He just gave me a quick sideglance before mumbling something undistinguishable. I giggled.

"What if I told you there is a possible way to get Damon back?"

Now I had his attention. The Salvatore flipped around and slowly ran his fingers through his hair. "What have you got."

I smiled menacingly. "Well actually it's not the best idea, but hopefully we can persuade Bonnie to resurrect Damon..?"

Stefan jumped up and pulled me into a hug, his eyes sparkling. I laughed at his cheerfulness, and he shook his head chuckling.

"I never thought I'd be so glad to have my big brother back. We better do it fast before I change my mind."

I nodded, and whipped out my phone to flick Bonnie a text. This was going to be great.

Stefan grinned and went back down to scribble in his diary, and I sat down next to him. I was so glad we had a witch on our side.


Bonnie's POV:

As soon as I got the text from Abby, I knew this spell would drain all my power. I never liked Damon anyway, and now they expect me to resurrect him just like that?

Besides. I didn't even know if it would work, Jeremy's had awful side effects. But somehow I ended up kneeling with candles surrounding me, in the old Lockwood house. Abby, Elijah and Stefan were looking over my shoulder at the older Salvatore's body excitedly, and I sighed.

"If this doesn't work, you're not gonna hate me forever, right?"

Stefan shook his head with a smile, but Abby frowned.

"You better try your hardest then."

Rolling my eyes, I turned to the dark haired man, lying at my feet. I gently closed my eyes and let the spirits flow through me, and started chanting the spell.

I heard someone take a sharp intake of breath as the candles flickered out around the room, and I smiled.


Elijah's POV:

It was all very dramatic. Bonnie's eyes were flickering, and she was chanting in that droning voice she puts on for a spell. Stefan and Abby looked very much on edge, and I had to admit I was a bit too. If this didn't work they would both be crushed. And if Bonnie died they would be crushed as well.

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