8. Temper Tantrum

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I jumped up in the morning, it was Sunday and I was keen to go visit the Mikaelsons and get some answers.

I ran down the stairs, crashing into Stefan on the way. He looked at me strangely.

"Where are you rushing off too?" He queried.

"Oh just the Mikaelsons, I have some questions for them." I smiled.

He tilted his head to the side.

"Right. Have funnnn."

I smirked and wiggled my fingers at him as I walked out the door. "Sure will."

I sat in the car, deliberating whether to go. I felt like I had bothered them too much lately. What, with me being off school and all. I don't think any of them minded me being there, although I got the feeling Rebekah didn't like me. Oh well. She seemed to not like anyone, anyways.

Turning the ignition, I set off towards the mansion.


As I pulled up, the front door opened. I thought they heard my car, but it was just Rebekah leaving, a red handbag slung over her shoulder. As she saw me she smirked and mouthed "Have fun."

Oh no. Whatever was happening in there was probably something I didn't want to be involved in. I hopped cautiously out of my car, and through the double doors. I then strode through the hallways, heading towards the crashing sounds that I was suprised I couldn't hear from outside, they were so loud.

When I arrived, I found Elijah, standing in the middle of a completely wrecked room, huffing and out of breath. As soon as he heard footsteps he flashed over and pushed me to the wall. Luckily he realised it was me. He stepped back.

"Sorry Abby." He glanced around. "Why are you here, I don't want you too see me like this." His chocolate brown hair flopped forward over his face.

I walked over and grabbed his hand. "What's wrong?" I asked.

He gripped my hand between his, and whispered. "My mother's back."

My eyes widened. "B-but that's not possible, if what Stefan said was true, didn't she die after her plan to kill you all failed?"

He nodded. "Yes. But she is the original witch. Who knows what she can do. This has already been demonstrated by the sources I have. Apparently. She turned your friend Allaric, into a vampire, and he has a permanent rage for killing our kind. He has replaced Mikael."

I looked around the room and ran my fingers through my hair. "Wow. So that's why you are so mad. I have a feeling this will be a one off occasion." I grinned.

He raised one eyebrow. "Yes, definitely." He put my face between his hands. "And do NOT let my brother know I have the same kind of anger as him."

I laughed as his hands dropped and he started cleaning. I started helping him. The grand piano, had been pushed across the room, and made a deep dent in the wall. Photo frames had been swiped from the mantle piece and shattered on the ground. Vases were smashed, paintings were toppled, even the couch was turned over. He seemed kind of embarrassed about his temper tantrum.

He tried changing the subject as we cleaned. "So, what are you here for, I'm sure you wouldn't just come to my ghastly household for a 'friendly visit'"

I laughed. "Well, actually. I was wondering, if you perhaps knew...who turned me?"

He froze where he was. After a moment, he flashed over to stand in front of me. He then took my face in his hands again, to make me look up into his eyes. He studied me. Looking at my expression, at my facials. I felt like he was looking inside me, at my feelings and thoughts. His eyes were that deep, that thoughtful.

"Me." He whispered.

"I turned you. I saw you. Someone had hurt you. You had been run over, or attacked. It was a long while ago. I can't exactly remember. But I do remember that..... that was the moment I started loving you." He hesitated with the last part, obviously scared to get it out.

My eyes widened. His did too, when he realised what he'd just said. He probably thought he'd made a terrible mistake, right before I grabbed his face this time, and kissed him.

Square on the lips, with enough passion and feeling to show him that I felt the same way. Because really. I had been hiding it from myself all along. Maybe, I had only just met Elijah Mikaelson. But I loved him. I had loved him all along. He made me want to be a better person.

Luckily for me, he returned the kiss, and he pulled his hands through my hair as I slung mine around his neck. I was enjoying this, I had wanted to be in his arms for so long. So, my fantasy was ruined when he suddenly sprung back. I looked at the ground. Maybe I had assumed to much. He obviously saw my look of dissapointment because he lifted my chin with one finger and whispered; "my brother."

Phew. Relief washed over my face as I realised he enjoyed that just as much as I did. I then smiled and pecked him on the cheek before we both realised that the room was still a half mess. We dashed around tidying it up as best we could before hearing Klaus's voice echoing through the entranceway.

"Elijah. Abby."

We looked up as I put the last photo frame on a coffee table. In seconds, we were standing in front of the hybrid, him staring down at us strangely. He turned to me.

"I think you might want to go home. They have something to tell you."

His frown was deep, but not his usual Klaus anger frown. It was more than this. Concern, sadness, worry, a little bit of anger still, there always was with him. All this emotion in one face overwhelmed me so much that I decided to take his word for it.

I was confused. What. I looked at Elijah who shrugged. So, I quickly hugged him goodbye, nodded a thankyou at Klaus, and before I knew it, I was on my journey home, to the great unknown.

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