Chapter 29 -- High Class

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  {Chris's POV}

  I felt a flood of relief.

Skye smiled warmly, hopefully unaware. I see Tori out of the corner of my eye, either silently laughing hysterically or choking.

"Tori, are you okay?" I hear Skye say as she turns her head.

"AH-AH-NOTHING!" she stammers with amusement. Skye lifts an eyebrow in question.

"Pardon me", Skye sighed, as she strode over to the laughing mess.

I sit down in the nearest barstool.

You are so getting it next battle, I say to Akuma.

Oh how so big man? By scolding me not to take over? Hah.

Nope, I just REALLY hope you love those scars of yours cause soon you will get a nasty one.

SWEET. Makes me look tough, not TENDER. AHEM, remember smartass, it hurts you more. But admit it Don Juan, I just saved your pasty ass.

I start to feel a scowl form on my brow as he said that god forsaken nickname courtesy of Venn.

HEY. I could do it myself! You could have kept your panties on.

Oh my. You really are KILLING me here! I do all this shit for you and I don't get a thanks, thanks.

I start to think of a shitty comeback to show his fire soa-

Look ALIVE, the angel's comin' back.

I snap back into reality as I see Skye reappear, taking a seat next to mine with a sigh.

"What was the deal with her?" I ask as she orders even more alcohol.

"She says she was laughing at Trevor and Colin doing to chicken dance," she shrugs as she takes a drink,"I looked over, and indeed it was legendary."

"Show." I demand playfully.

She leads me over. Tori makes a lovely innuendo. I see Trevor and Colin arguing over who danced best... It seemed, they just sounded like two slurring brothers in a fight. I notice the crowd disperse a bit.

{Glitch's POV}

Everyone was so drunk it gave me a buzz just watching them. Especially Natiel. She blamed her bumping into things on her drunkenness... Whilst wearing her blindfold.

I turn to the bar to get some water when I see something abSOLUTLY ADORABLE.

Chris stammered while he was talking to Skye and he looked so cute and harmless blushing like an idiot.

I walk within earshot but still in the crowd.

He them regains his confidence,"Do you want to get something to eat sometime?"

"Why not?"

It took all my willpower to reach the bar without breaking down into a giggling fit.

Skye excuses herself as Natiel plops down next to me.



Natiel looks at her feet, pouting.

"But its fuuuuunnn!" I shake my head them check on Chris and Skye. They were both peeling off into the crowd.

What the hell, Natiel won't remember anyway. THIS IS JUST TOO GOOD.

I glance over to see Natiel give the concerned bar tender an order.

"Natiel guess what," I ask her, as she tips back her drink then slams it down with a little spray of beer.

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