Chapter 20 -- Familiar Spies

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{Glitch's POV}

I recoiled, clutching the gem, feeling the crack with my fingers. I felt my body start to morph, the proportions change.

"What the actual hell?" Chris shouted, throwing Venn to the ground and running to me, "Skye!"

"What's going on?" Trevor said. Colin came over, Ella and Tori close behind him.

I regained my footing and looked up.

"S-Skye..." Tori said, pointing at me, "Your eyes."

Shit, my eyes must've gone back to their original color.

"Don't worry," I said, my voice warping, "I'm fine-"

I saw my hands, the purple maze of code were running across my arms.

"No, no, no..." I said, holding my hand.

"What's happening to her?!" Chris shouted at Venn.

Venn glared at me with cold, dead eyes, "Her name is Glitch." He said, "She is a master with transformation."

I was breathing heavily, "You know what cracking my gem means..."

"Her gem is also where her life lays." He said.

"So, where is Skye?" Chris said, his eyes wide with worry.

"She's most likely at the facility." Venn told him.

My outfit was now back, I was feeling better, so I fully stood up.

"Listen," I said, "I can help you find her-"

Next thing I knew, I was face-down against the asphalt with my hands behind my back and a magic pistol against my head.

"Trevor!" Colin shouted, trying to pull his friend off of me, "She was probably just following orders!"

"She blew up our guild and kidnapped a new guild member!" Trevor shouted, "I have every right to be angry!"

"She didn't blow it up, she didn't kidnap her." Colin reasoned.

Trevor sighed and got off of me. He helped me up.

"You and Vorpent know what's going on?" He asked.

"Yes." I responded, not looking him in the eyes.

"You and Vorpent will go get her back," He instructed.

"If they're both going," Chris said, stepping forward, "I am too. To get Skye back."

"Me too." Julia said, stepping forward.

"Same." Tori and OOna said at the same time.

"No," Trevor said, "They know what they're going up against, you don't."

"That's never stopped them before." Ella said, coming up next to him, "Besides, we'll still have enough people to salvage what we can from the guild. I say let them go."

"Ugh..." Trevor said, "Fine. But don't be stupid."

"Come on." Venn said, pulling me up, "Let's go."

"Okay..." I replied, trying to keep my emotions in check.

[A day later, outside the Facility...]

{Chris' POV}

We stood outside this giant place with buildings everywhere.

"This is the place." Glitch said, "This is most likely where the girl is."

"So, we have to have a plan to sneak in." Julia said.

"Yes," Glitch said, "They have a super high-tech security so..." They started mapping out the facility and trying to figure out a way in.

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