Chapter 32: The Brothers of Void

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(A/N  POVs will change seeing how one of them is... Visually impaired)

(Dylan's POV)

I wake up to feel cool mist everywhere and damp stone underneath me.

I pinpoint my brother lying not far away, along with more magic in the distance.

"Ryker, ya okay?" I say, reaching out my hand to pull him up.

"I'm good," he says grabbing my hand, with me feeling our magic blend a bit,"You gonna be okay?"

I narrow my eyes,"Of course I will, kiddo."

I hear a quiet splash and whip around in its  direction to feel a very strong combination of magic.

"Oh look," a feminine voice says, with a shadow magic aura,"we have guests..."

I stiffen when I feel the icy aura of her friend,"how rude."

I feel a barrier separate my brother and I from the two witches.

Pinpointing, it read,"You two teams will fight until one is unable to fight any longer. The victorious team will move ahead to the LOGIC portion of the Trials."

The walls disappears and I hear the two stand up.

"Ready to mow a pathetic lawn Kaylee?" The ice mage says.

"When you are,Ella." Kaylee responds.

"Oh shit," Ryker barely whispers. I brush my arm lightly against his with agreement.

He immediately sets out the field with an aura of hopeless void, a blank canvas.

I summon magic elements around me to my side, mixing some to make them stronger.

Kaylee disperses magic and Ella gathers hers in numerous highly condensed spheres.

Ella hurls them at us, with Ryker melting them with time while Kaylee spreads her magic, feeling for weak points.

I spread an element of my own, feeling a meeting with Kaylee's magic, causing a chain reaction that lead to an explosion on Kaylee's side.

She mixes her shadow with the ice that Ella was gathering. Ryker shifts the space and causes random jumps in time to Ella's magic, causing it to melt but still gain energy.

I leap forward, then duck out of the way when I felt the magic ice and shadow combination coming towards me.

I manage the magic from our void and charge it with a reaction to appear nullified.

I hurl it at the two, they dodge it and it goes off, hitting them far apart and flung to the walls.

(Ryker's POV)

Dylan blows up the magic and causes the two to hit the walls.

I spread the void to them, watching the black cloud, hungry for more.

Kaylee then turns and ignites her fists to consume the shadows in the void.

Dylan hurls magic at the encroaching shadows, unaware of the incoming ice.

"Dyl-" I'm cut off with a sucker punch from Kaylee.

I look to see Dylan attempting to dodge Ella's ice, but she creates sublimation, making the air cold.

Kaylee comes to bring her foot down.

I brace my arms and summon void to eat up her shoe a bit.

She jumps back in pain and rips up some shadows.

I stand up and she runs around me, punching and kicking her way around me, while I dodge her attacks and block others.

She then slows and I see a webbing of shadows around me. I speed up time but to no effect.

Kaylee spews out more fuel for the shadows to implode, causing me to yell in pain.

(Dylan's POV)

I hear Ryker scream while Ella hails down ice shards, bouncing off my elemental shield.

I foolishly turn my head to my brother, causing Ella's icy fist to collide painfully with my jaw.

I fly back, the void now gone.

I summon it again, increasing its effects around Ella, sucking up magic to be recycled to me.

The ice balls up in my hands, with me feeling the cold.

Ella tries to kick me but I block, punching her jaw back and sweep kicking her knees, falling to the floor.

I slam down my icy fists on her head, releasing the energy.

It felt like she was out. Cold.

I turn to my brother who is being crushed by Kaylee's shadows, almost finished.

Suddenly, Ella reaches forward and grabs my ankle when I start to run toward him.

She ices the stone causing me to struggle escape.

I turn and I throw out some elements to melt the ice and cause her to feel temporary muscle relaxing.

I find my footing and run to Kaylee, headbutting her side, catching her off guard.

She looses focus on Ryker and summons back the shadows, ready to punch again.

I dodge her attacks until I mistakenly block. The shadows travel up my crossed arms and cause me to be immobilized. Ella adds her own ice and I feel my body grow brittle.

Then I'm punched.

(Ryker's POV)

I look on in horror as the ice around Dylan's body shatters and he falls to the floor passed out.

"Bastards," I mutter, slowing the time around me, I throw any possible attack on them and mixing them with the void.

Time wavers as they come back, battered.

They look at each other and join their hands, summoning ice and shadow around them.

I set up a shield of void to add any possible protection against them.

They then open their hands to give me a bombardment of ice shards and beams of shadow.

I try to hold onto my force field but it breaks, bombarding me ice shards and shadow.

(Ella's POV)

The ice and shadow seem to swallow him whole, chew him up, and spit him out, leaving him out on the floor cold.

Kaylee turns and gives me a grin, panting just as I was.

"Nice work," I say, smiling back,"Shall we?"

Light wrote this all in the span of two days or so.

And she is proud of herself.

I'm sorry, but I'm really looking forward to the next couple chapters.

It was a bit of a breath of fresh air to write in a new characters' POV.
And also,
More characters,
More puns.

~Light  <3

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