Chapter 5

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A/N: Hey you guys!! I FINALLY uploaded! I hope you guys like that story so far, cause I sure as hell love writing it! Kay, read on!

And remember, VOTE, COMMENT, AND FAN! Say it with me: Vote, Comment, and fan!!!! (Haha see what I did there?) My brother used to LOVE Dora when he was little, but now we just end up making fun of it!

Enough rambling, you’ve got a chapter to read! Enjoy!


Chapter 5

Brooke slid to the floor, a crumpled heap on their fancy mahogany wood. Her sobs echoed through the mansion, but no one came to help her. Her parents were at work, and the maids were probably out somewhere on a lunch break, seeing as it was 2 in the afternoon. She was alone.

Brooke counted her heartbeats, trying to calm down, something she had done since she was a little kid.


30 minutes and 1569 heartbeats later, Brooke finally stood up from the floor. She winced as a shooting pain stabbed her ankle. She had forgotten that it was hurt. She limped to her room, and closed the door, changing into a neon green tank top, and slipping on black short shorts. She washed her face, feeling immediate relief as the cold water ran down her face. She tied her hair in a loose ponytail and limped downstairs, grabbing her Android and slipping it in her back pocket.

Getting some ice and settling down for some quality time with her TV, she relaxed and laid her head back on the recliner and started flipping channels. So much for a great birthday.


RRRRRRRIIIIIINNNNNNGGGGG!!!!!! Brooke’s eyes flew open as her alarm clock screamed on her side table. Slapping her hand over it, Brooke sat up and rubbed her eyes. She looked at her foot. Well, the swelling had gone down, and it wasn’t hurting as much, but she still decided to wear the brace just to be safe. She was always one of those people who was on the safe side, never taking risks or trying new things.

She jumped (well, more like fell) out of the bed, and stumbled to the bathroom. She pulled on a dark blue V-neck and white shorts, and slipped on a pair of blue flip-flops. Not knowing what to do with her plain hair, she simply slid on a gold headband. Grabbing her backpack, she headed downstairs.

Soon after, she reached the bus stop, noting that will was already there. As soon as he saw her, he burst out laughing and clutching his stomach. His shaggy brown hair covered his striking blue eyes as he fell onto the sidewalk laughing. Brooke just frowned, and crossed her arms. Will got up from the ground, wiping a stray tear of his cheek.

“What happened?” he asked, still gasping for breath.

“Nick happened,” Brooke replied.

Suddenly, will’s expression become somber. He frowned. “I don’t understand,”

What? Now she had to relive it all over again for Will? This pissed her off.

“I was walking down the hallway yesterday, and Nick and some slut collided against me, and this is what happened,” she huffed.

“And you broke your ankle?” Will asked.

“Sprained,” Brooke said, as the bus rounded the corner and made a stop in front of them.

“You’re so accident prone,” Will commented, followed by an elbow in the ribs by Brooke.

As soon as the bus stopped in front of the school, Brooke limped as fast as she could to her first class to avoid her friends. However, it seemed they had set a radar around the hallways, and had soon cornered her.

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