Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Brooke's pov

This boy was so impossible. I fumed.

How dare he speak to me like that? After all he's done to me?

Why happened to the tender smile he had held as we worked on the project during class? What happened to that gentle kiss in my room? What had happened to him caring so much about me that he insisted on carrying me to the clinic and dropping me home and giving me rides?

That had either all just flown out the window when he acted up like that, or it was all an act to see if I still had a soft spot for him.

Well I hope todays lecture I gave him was enough to straighten him out. If not, well then I don't know what to do.

I hate boys, theyre so hard to understand!

I slammed Nick's beautiful overpriced mahogany wood door, storming out, stomping out. I walked through the long driveway and all the pretty gardens and outside the neighborhood.

As I exited the gates, I saw the security guard nod at me, giving me a

warm smile that I returned. If only he knew what I was feeling inside.

Anger, betrayal, mistrust, confusion, more anger.

As I passed him, I saw out of the corner of my eye that his eyes were trained on me. After a few seconds, it dawned on me that he was checking me out.

Eww, gross!! He was like 30 years old!!!

I sighed as shook my head to myself, trying to clear my head.

As I reached The road, a thought dropped into my dumbo brain.


"dammit," I muttered angrily.

I walked around the streets for about 10 minutes, looking like a hobo.

I could hitchhike, but that would be really unsafe, and well, stupid.

Maybe I should call Rachel!!!!

"Ah-haaa!!" I mumbled, pulling out my android.

Why didn't I think of that before?

I scrolled through my contacts until I found the right one.

Ring ring...ring ring...ring ring....ring ring.....PICK UP!!!

"hey, it's Rachel, sorry I can't get to the phone right now, I'll call you back a little bit later, ok?" a voice chirped.


I tried several other times, to Will, Then to Liam, then to Parker, then to Christie.

No one picked up. Jeez; where is everyone today?

Could it have something to do with why they were acting weird a couple of days ago?

" See, THIS is why I need a car!!!" I thought aloud, throwing my hands up

in the air.

Oh well. Whatever. In Grateful fir what i have. I'll just take the tram.

San Francisco trams are really famous, and I love riding them. I walked aver to the nearest tram station, getting out my wallet to pay for the ticket.

As I climbed aboard, I noticed that there were no seats left. I had to stand near the railing.

As the tram started moving, I noticed the beauty of San Francisco.

The crooked streets, countless amount of hills. I loved it all.

Pretty soon, the tram stopped at a traffic light. I looked over to the car next to me, and I saw the most unexpected person.


Omg, the only thing that was faker than her was her "vintage alligator skin purse". She was in a red convertible with the top down, so I could see who else was in the Car.

There were some other girls I the car with her, all with equally fake blond hair, 15 pounds of makeup on, and their shorts definitely Shorter than their hair.

There were tons of shopping bags in the back seat, indicating that they recently had been at the mall, no doubt maxing out their parents' credit cards.

It was then that the bell on top of the tram jingled, grabbing the attention of the three girls. They turned in their seat towards the tram, spotting me, standing right by the railing.

They started laughing and pointing at me, saying rude comments about me not having a car.

The pit of my stomach clenched in anger. Ugh they were such sluts!!

I felt like slitting their throat.

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