Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


Taryn's POV

"So TJ, tell me what's it like to be Simon Cowell's daughter. Is life a living hell or something like that?" Ellen DeGeneres asked me as the audience chuckled.

So the whole world now knows about me being Simon's daughter. I've been strictly banned from Social Networking sites for now though. Reasons i'm not told, but apparently it's for the best.

"Yeah, no actually. It's actually have been incredibly amazing. It's like a roller coaster ride. There's ups and downs. It's definitely far from being a living hell." I laughed.

"Yeah. I bet the ups are having great, supportive friends. Am I right?" She nudged as she looked at the 5 boys sitting in the audience in disguise.

"Right." I nodded. 

"And what are the downs if I may." She asked.

"Well.. You know, now that the worlds knows who I am.. There isn't much privacy in public which is a really.. well, down thing." I shrugged.

"Well I don't blame them. You're too beautiful not to take picture of." She smiled.

"Awww! Thanks. I bet you have the same issue." I laughed

"Being pretty has their downs.." She shook her head jokingly as everyone chuckled.

"So, tell me Taryn Jane Cowell.. Are you dating someone? You know... Someone like..." She asked as a picture of me and Niall walking side by side, laughing showed up in the screen.

"Niall? He's just my friend. A really good friend.. Best Friend actually."

"Maybe Boyfriend?" She shrugged.

"Yea-.... WAIT, NO." I practically screamed with my eyes wide open.

"I knew it. Y'all look great together." She laughed.

"We are NOT together." I sighed, as I covered my face with my hands.

"Okay, well. We just ran out of time.. It's been a pleasure meeting you again." She smiled

"Pleasure's mine." I nodded.

"Ms. Taryn Cowell everybody!" She screamed as the audience cheered.

"And BREAK!" Andy shouted.

I quickly ran backstage where I was tackled by 5 boys.

"So you and Niall huh?" Louis winked.

"No! I'm sorry Niall. I thought she said something different then once I processed what she said, it was too late." I sighed.

"It's alright. I don't mind." Niall shrugged.

"Thank you for being so awesome." I smiled as I hugged him.

"And you told me you guys weren't together." Ellen frowned, shaking her head.

"It's not what it looks like!" I said, throwing my hand in the air in surrender.

"Sure it's not. Just admit it.. You guys are dating." She joked.

"Nope." Niall shook his head.

"Alright well, I better get back out there and do this last interview with Channing. See ya lovebirds around" She said as she jogged back to the set.

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