Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Taryn's POV




Helloooooo? Anyone there???


Why can't i move a freakin' muscle? Can't open my eyes, make a sound, nothing.

I can hear faint, muffled voices and can feel movement around me. What is going on?

Oh right. Emmaline and her gang beat me up at scho--wait, am I dead? Oh God, I sure hope not. I just met my real father, just made real friends that I never had before, just started dating Ni...


They beat me up because of him, because I was close to him. Oh God, if they find out I was actually dating him... All hell loose, they'll kill me. Cut me up into pieces and feed me to the cat.

What am I going to do with him?

Suddenly, I felt all light headed. That's when I lost conscious..

Niall's POV

We weren't allowed in her room that night, so they made us go home to get rest. Hell, no one closed their eye. As soon as the sun rised, everyone hurried to the car and drove to the hospital.

As soon as we walked in, we can hear the beeping sounds of the machines and the sound of Spongebob theme son-- Wait.. Why is the TV open? I kept walking until I reached the point where the bed is visible.

Jane. My Jane, is awake.


Once I finally was able to move, a nurse walked in and asked me questions. She was really friendly, she's real nice. I was in pain, a lot of pain. She just strengthen the dose of my morphine and gave me the remote to the TV and left.

I glanced at the clock hanging on the wall, 6:13. Wow, I'm early. I started flicking through the channels until i saw Spongebob. Suddenly, the boy I was dreading to see was standing right infront of me.


I didn't even hear the door open. What should I do? I can't just break up with him, he'll think the reason is stupid. I don't wanna die, not yet. I want more time with my father. But I can't be with him, my life will just be in danger.

"Hey." He smiled.

I just looked at him, wide-eyed. Completely shock and in a frozen state.

The other boys including my father started walking behind him.

"Who are you guys?" I frowned.

Shit, that was supposed to be Why are you here guys.

I saw all of them froze and look at me confusingly. Then it hit me, perfect way to end this thing with Niall without having to break up with him. Pretend I had memory loss from my injuries. I just feel bad the other boys had to go through this too.

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