Chapter 32

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Chapter 32



Taryn's POV

"It's Friday! Friday! Gotta get down on Friday!" Harry sang, waking me up.

"Can you shut up?!" I groaned.

"No can do love, time to wake up." He said.

"But we have a break today. No concerts whatsoever tonight!" I whined.

"Exactly why you need to wake up!" He chuckled.

I sighed and got up and walked outside to the hallway where everyone was.

"Good Morning sleepy head!" Ashton laughed.

I rolled my eyes at him and sat down beside Liam, resting my head on his shoulder as I yawned.

"What's for today's plan?" Calum asked no one in particular.

"Well, w--"

"Taryn?" A voice called out from the elevator area as I froze.

A voice I never ever thought I'll hear again.

The voice that abandoned me.

I turned around and it was him. Marcus.

"M..M..Marcus?" I gulped, standing up.

"Taryn, my baby!" He cried as he ran towards me and hugging me.

I kept my hands to my side and pushed him off of me slightly

"What the hell are you doing here?!" I frowned.

"Came to get you back, darling!" He smile warmly as he grabbed my wrist and turned around.

I pulled my arm away from his grip and said "No."

"Why baby? Don't you want to be with your Dad?" He asked with his clenched shut jaw.

"You're not my dad. You left me when Mom died! I've found my real Dad." I said as I backed away from him.

Suddenly I felt an arm around me that slowly and gently pushed me to his back.

"You need to leave, man. Or I'll call security" Niall said sternly. I kept a hand on his shoulder as he kept his arms wrapped around me from his behind.

"You'll regret this Taryn." Marcus frowned as he stormed out of the hallway.

"Was that a threat?!" Louis screamed before the elevator can shut

My breathing started to get heavy before everything went black.


My eyes started to flutter open but my vision's blurred.

"You're awake! Thank God you're awake." Someone sighed in relief.

"Wh-what happened?" I groaned as I grabbed my head and sat up slowly.

My world was spinning around.

"You passed out after you saw your step-dad." Harry said.

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