Chapter 4.

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"Don't say anything about my face. I'm going to take a shower," I plead to Dallas before heading to my room.
"Nathan! Somebody beat up Paris," I hear Dallas snitch going back into the living room. I go into my room and seconds later Nathan bust in.
"What happened to your face," he asks grabbing my arm and bringing me to him. He takes his time examining my bruises.
"I'm not allowed to speak to strangers," I say and snatch away from him.
"Chill out. Who beat yo ass cause I'm gone beat both of y'all ass. You promised me you'd behave," he states.
"I promised my boyfriend I'd behave I don't know who the man is standing in front of me. I know you've been gone for about three months but you must not know me if you think I got my ass beat." I step out of my army print coat and hang it up revealing my two piece nude body suit that hugs me just right. "You can get the fuck out my room," I say and open the door for him.
"Does it look like I'm leaving," he asks. "I've been here since 11:30 then your Mom asked me to watch Dallas because she had to work and nobody could reach you. So no I'm not leaving," he states and lays down on my bed.
"If you supposed to be watching Dallas you need to be out there watching him," I say and he shakes his head.
"Nah he went to bed," he replies getting comfortable taking off his shirt and kicking off his shoes. How could somebody change so much in three months? It's probably just the fact I haven't seen or heard from him. He's gotten more muscle and facial hair he just looks delicious.
"I wanted a New Years kiss and I came all the way over here to get one," he states.
"I kissed someone else since you weren't around," I say and he turns his attention to me trying to read me.
"You're lying," he states and I shrug my shoulders.
"Single girls do single shit. I don't have to explain anything to you," I say and he laughs getting up from my bed.
"I don't remember saying you single," he stated stepping in my face.
"I don't remember asking yo black ass."
"I hear you," he replies staring into my eyes. We're interrupted by banging on the front door. "Stay here." I peek around the corner watching Nathan.
"Who is it," he asks.
"Asia help me," she screams. He swings open the door as I run towards it. She collapse on the floor as some girls run up on my porch.
"So you can talk shit but run when we ready to beat yo ass," they shout as Nathan holds them back. I help Asia to my living room couch before going back to the door. As I get back to it I see the girls are heading back to their car still talking shit and Nathan is no where to be found.
"Who told y'all to leave," I ask stepping out onto my porch and putting my hair into a bun. It's four of them and one of me but I can hold my own.
"Bitch you don't want none," the ugly bitch from the party yells walking towards me with her girls following behind.
Actually, you're exactly who I want. I don't say shit I just run up and let my hands do the talking. She goes straight for my hair letting me know she can't fight. I'm about two times bigger than her and she wants to go for my hair, her dumb ass should have brought a bat. I punch her dead in the jaw knocking her off her feet but her friends jump on me.
"Paris," I hear Nathan yell. I keep swinging at everybody even accidentally hit him as he tries to break us all up. I stomp on the girls face that kissed Quinton earlier.
"So y'all want to talk shit but run when I'm ready to beat yo ass," I yell watching them run to their car. One of them had to practically carry the girl that got stomped on.
"Get in the damn house," Nathan yells. I look down and notice I'm bleeding. I limp up the porch stairs feeling pain shoot through my right thigh. I get into the house and over to Asia curled up in a ball on the couch asleep. "What the hell is your problem?!" I turn to Nathan and hold up my hand signaling for him to be quiet. I limp into my bedroom with him following closely behind.
"They could have killed you," he yells grabbing my arm and bringing me to him.
"They could have killed her baby," I yell back. Nathan pauses and let's me go.
"You can't fix everyone's problems. Just like you can't fight everyone else's battles Paris," he explains.
"She's my best friend there's some people I'll always protect or I'll at least die trying," I explain and Nathan shakes his head.
"It's my job to protect you Paris," he explains.
"You think you leaving me is protecting me? You think me not hearing from you is protecting me?"
"It does protect you. Just the fact that your heart is beating right now means that me being away is protecting you," he explains. He closes his eyes and sighs deeply. "Just like how you will always protect the ones you love I'll always protect you even if it kills me because you're the one that I love."
"You promised you wouldn't disappear. You disappeared and left me here alone," I cry and start fighting him. He grabs my wrist restricting me from throwing anymore punches.
"I'm sorry," he whispers. I cry into his chest. After a few minutes I pull myself together he lets me go and I go into my bathroom to shower. I strip and step under the hot water and Nathan soon joins me. "I'm sorry Paris. Can you forgive me?" I look up into his eyes and a tear glides down my cheek.
"Yes," I answer and he leans down kissing my lips. He grabs my wash cloth from my hand and starts washing my backside as he continues kissing me. I try to focus on his lips but his hands are very distracting as they massage my booty. His tongue is intoxicating my hands glide down his chest and abs. It's been so long since I've touched him I almost forgot how mind-blowing it is.
I step back looking into his brown eyes. I've missed him so much. He bends his head and kisses my neck and down my breast he kneels down in the shower and lifts my right leg. His lips kiss my second pair of lips causing me to forget all the pain I felt before. I came almost immediately he takes a firm hold of my hips and dives in causing my entire body to erupt in pleasure I came hard and he licked me clean. He stands and lifts me into his arms. The contact of our sex immediately causes me to wrap my legs around him. I grind against him but it's not enough. I bury my head into the crook of his neck.
"Please it's not enough Nathan," I moan loudly. "I'm ready.."
"No you're not you're horny," he states and he guides two fingers into my sweet honey.
"What's the difference," I moan and grind on his fingers. "Please Nathan please..." I cry feeling the need for him in the pit of my stomach. Nathan smiles sitting me on my feet.
"I like seeing you like this," he admits.
"Stop playing with me..." He smiles.
"When I take your virginity I want it to be special," he explains and kisses my lips.
"I understand and love you for that but that's not gonna work I don't want to wait anymore," I admit. I reach behind me and turn off the water. I wrap a towel around myself and Nathan wraps one around himself. His body is delicious I could lick the water droplets off of him. We walk into my bedroom and I watch him completely dry off and step into a pair of his boxers. I dry off and drop my towel.
"I can feel you staring at me," I say and he smiles.
"I thought that's what you wanted," he states. I nod and rub lotion onto my breast, arms, stomach and thighs.
"Goodnight," I whisper climbing into the bed naked. He rolls over facing away from me.
"No no no play boy," I say and climb on top of him. I kiss his lips and quickly deepens the kiss.
"I love you Nathan," I whisper and he lifts my hips rolling me over and climbing on top of me. The lust in his eyes heats my entire body on fire.
"I love you more. I love you so much. A man can have only so much restraint and you're my weakness. How can I say no to you?" He slides off his boxers and his third leg practically leaps out of them.
"I'm your weakness and you're my strength," I whisper and wrap my legs around him.
"Unwrap your legs," he states making me frown. I unwrap my legs thinking he changed his mind about having sex with me. He spreads my legs wide and presses against my entrance he's much bigger than his two fingers that I'm used to. I close my eyes as he quickly dives into me. I cry out in pain and he holds still letting me adjust to his size. I thought this was supposed to feel good but it hurts. Shit.
"It hurts," I say and tense up.
"Relax," he whispers in my ear and kisses on my neck.
How the hell do I relax?

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