Chapter 8.

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Paris| Uptown Hurt Village 9:30 p.m.

"You have more questions for me," I ask completely confused on why I can't leave.
"No I'm still waiting for you to answer the questions I asked you," he states. I tilt my head looking at him confused.
"I'm pretty sure I already spent the last twenty minutes giving you answers," I reply in a duh tone.
"Exactly from your reputation in Hurt Village you were way too willing to roll over on your man just now. He is your man right," he asks.
"Maybe I don't feel like I have anything to hide from you so why not be upfront and honest," I ask ignoring his second question.
"The thing is," he looks deep into my eyes and rubs his chin. "I don't believe you."
"I wouldn't either," I answer honestly. "I could be reading off a script or I could be telling you the complete truth. I guess you'll never know," I admit trying to use reverse psychology, he gets up from the table pulling out a gun from behind him.
"That's where you're wrong," he states and presses the gun against my temple the cold metal sends a shiver down my spine.
"You gonna kill me already? That's a damn shame I swear I was just starting to enjoy myself," I say looking up into his eyes unfazed.
"I think she's telling the truth Dad---I mean boss," a younger guy states from the corner of the room looking slightly afraid about the whole situation.
"Did I ask you to speak," Victor asks him the boy quickly shakes his head. Where's Nathan? I swear he's taking forever and a day.
"Hey do I get my one phone call or at least a lunch break," I ask and he cracks a smile.
"You should work for me," he states and tosses his gun down on the table. "Usted es un polluelo duro." I have no idea what he just said I passed Spanish with an eighty all three years. "I said you're tough," he explains seeing the confusion in my face. "También hermosa." Beautiful. I learned that from Nathan.
"You know I can't tell if you trying to hire, scare or flirt with me," I explain and he shrugs his shoulder.
"Maybe all three. What about Malcolm what do you know about him," he asks. I smirk not needing a script to answer that question.
"He's a short nigga with a shorter temper that's the only way to explain his black ass," I explain. Speaking of Malcolm damn I miss his aggravating ass.
I've been trying to contact Paris for the last six hours not only because she texted me and never responded to me, but because her mother called me and told me about their altercation.  This ain't their first time getting into it but it is the first time Paris' mother put her hands on her.
"We need to get over to Victor man we can't leave that man waiting all because Paris wants to play hide and go seek," Malcolm states while scrolling through his iPhone. "She probably somewhere trying to cool off."
"Nah, something is going on man she wouldn't just stay missing she'd at least respond to me. I guess we can look for her once we finish this meeting," I reply and sigh frustrated. Where you at Paris? When I find yo ass I'm gonna beat yo ass for making me worry about you. Damn.
"Don't go in there in no pissy mood and ruin this for us either Nathan I need you focused. I need to know that if somebody tries to put a bullet in my ass that you got me," he states. I head down the road headed uptown to Victor's mansion it's about a forty-five minute drive. That'll give me time to clear my head and focus. Worrying about Paris always fucks up my focus because work used to be my number one priority but now she is.
Victor's mansion| 10:20 p.m.
"Is Mr. Cortez expecting you," the security guard asks as we pull up to the gate.
"Yes Nathan Scott and Malcolm Barnett," I answer. The guard checks with the house before opening the gate and letting us inside.
"Check out these surveillance cameras this place is like the White House you'd think this man was the president," Malcolm states while surveilling our surroundings. We both get out the car and head up the stairs of the mansion.
"You good," I ask seeing the look on his face.
"I have a weird feeling," he states. "I can't shake it off."
"Welcome Mr. Scott and Mr. Barnett, Mr. Cortez has been awaiting your arrival," the small Hispanic woman states allowing us into the house. We follow close behind her. She leads us down a flight of stairs and to what looks like a basement.
"Empty your pockets," a tall security guard orders holding up a hand held metal detector.
"You think I'm dumb enough to bring a gun in this bitch so y'all can put a hole in a motherfucka? Hell nah," Malcolm states pointing his finger at the security guard. The man towers over Malcolm it's almost a funny sight watching Malcolm try this man. Although, don't let his height fool you he'd definitely fuck this man up or put up a good ass fight. After being scanned the guard allows us to pass and head into the basement.
"It's nice of you to finally join us Nathan I hope you don't mind I added another guest to the list," Victor states turning his gaze to the corner of the room.
Two shadows appear one sitting and the other standing, slowly they move forward and into the dim lighting of the basement.
"Oh shit," Malcolm yells and we both pull out our hidden guns. They must not know there's signal transmitters that allow guns to go undetected. "If you thought my black ass was gonna roll in here without a gun you deadly mistaken," Malcolm states taking back what he said before.
"Put them away this was a friendly visit," Victor states while all of his men hold up their guns in defense. Paris looks unbothered but her mouth is covered by duct tape.
"Let her go and I'll put my gun down," I say.
"Let her go," Victor instructs his men and the man standing behind Paris unties her and she pulls the tape off her lips herself.
"I should beat your ass for taking so damn long," Paris states looking at me and gets up from the rolling chair heading to me. I grab her wrist and pull her into my arms examining her. She looks okay.
"I have a proposal," Victor states and takes a sip of his Vodka.
"I'm listening," I say looking into his eyes trying to keep my calm but I'm honestly on fire inside I could kill him. He's dead. I've never wanted to hurt somebody so bad.
"I'll let you be my middle man when it comes to us and your boys the only catch is I want Paris to work for me," he states.
"What the fuck did you just say," I ask tilting my head and placing my hand on my gun again.
"The only way you two will work with me is if she works for me," Victor states.
"You must have a death wish," Malcolm admits with a smirk. Paris places her hand over mine that's holding my gun.
"Either take the deal or walk away," Victor explains. "This is your only chance."
"Why would you want her working for you," I ask getting irritated that we're even having this conversation.
"Because I like her," he answers gazing at her in approval.
"Over my dead body," I reply.
"That can be arranged," one the guards state.
"I'll do it," Paris states looking up into my eyes I look down at her confused. "I got this baby," she whispers and runs her hands down my arms trying to relax me.
"Good," Victor states. "Wait for my call until then you're dismissed." He heads up another flight of stairs. 

It's getting interesting.

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