Chapter 6.

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I stare at Paris while she sleeps snoring lightly. She doesn't usually snore so I know she's worn out. She has a slight bruise under her eye and a few scratches on her face. That's one reason  why I get mad about her fighting, females be quick to mess up her face. I kiss on every single scratch before lifting up and unwrapping Paris' arms from around me.
"Are you leaving," Paris asks lifting her head from her pillow waking up with tears already in her eyes.
"I'll be back Paris. I'm not gonna be gone forever," I say and she quickly wipes her tears.
"K get the fuck out then," she quickly replies putting on her tough girl act. I lay back down pulling her into my arms.
"I know you gonna miss me," I say and lift her chin pecking her lips.
Downtown Hurt Village.
"Where you been at nigga," Clegg asks while hitting a blunt.
"The Latin Kings rolled through here last night thinking they was gone light us up but they wasn't ready for what we had waiting for they ass. Big was looking for you and he pissed you wasn't here."
"I don't have a curfew and I don't have to explain a damn thing to nobody," I say.
"What's all that disrespect you talking young blood," Big ask appearing from the back room.
"No disrespect but like I said I don't need permission for shit," I say. Big grabs my collar.
"Watch your tone keep talking like that and you won't ever talk again," Big threatens and pushes me out his way. "I got some news you gonna want to hear so stop talking out the side of your neck before I have to put a bullet in your ass," he states and laughs like what he said was a joke funny thing is Big doesn't joke about shit.
"Who did you get a call from," I ask ignoring his threat.
"Victor Cortez," he states. "We having a business meeting at club cyclone tonight you better be there."
It's going down tonight this what I been waiting on for the last three months.
"Wait a minute... Why would Victor want to meet at Cyclone. He not dumb enough to step foot in there," I say and Big runs his hand over his beard before lighting up his own blunt.
"How you know," he asks.
"Just trust me it's a set up," I answer as he passes me the blunt. I hit it twice before passing it back to him.
"So he must think I'm a fool little does he know. I got something for him," he replies a few girls walk in from the back including Angel. She's undercover with me because she can get closer to Big on a personal level and find out more shit. When I take down Victor Cortez I'm taking Big right along with him. They're two men that put the Hurt in Hurt Village. Big rules downtown Hurt Village and Victor owns uptown. All they do is hurt and put fear in the people here in Hurt Village and it's time for them to do the time for their crimes. The only reason Clegg is going along is because I promised him time off his sentence for getting me close to Big.
The thing is getting close to Big was the easy part. Big getting me close to Victor is where the danger steps in.
I wake up being shook. The house better be on fire for somebody to be waking me up out of my sleep.
"What," I groan rolling over and opening my eyes.
"Asia's throwing up all over the bathroom," Dallas answers. "Mom is at work and I ain't cleaning it up. So get up cause that's yo friend," he yells before walking out my room leaving the door wide open. I hate when people do that shit. It's aggravating why can't you just close the door? I sit up in the bed feeling an ache between my legs.
"Oh God," I groan standing from the bed. I can't even walk right. "Asia," I say as I walk half way limp down the hall to the bathroom. Eww it stinks.
"Morning sickness," she whines with her head against the toilet seat. Eww the number of times Dallas has taken a shit on that toilet or peed on that seat.
"Get up and clean yourself up," I say and help her onto her feet. I grab a pair of my Mom's hospital gloves and start cleaning up the mess. Using a lot of bleach and febreze.
"You love me don't you," she ask hugging me after brushing her teeth and washing her face. We exit the bathroom together.
"I do but don't expect me to do that again. Next time you gonna be cleaning up behind yourself cause there isn't enough love in the world for me to do that again," I explain and she laughs.
"So do you want to talk about last night," she asks as we collapse onto the couch.
"Nope I handled those girls so there's nothing to talk about and when I got back in the house you were sleeping and I didn't want to wake you," I explain.
"Actually you did wake me up and that's not the part of the night that I was talking about. What were you and fine and sexy Nathan doing in your room last night? These walls are thin or have you forgotten," she asks with a teasing smile. "Go faster," she moans trying to act out what she heard. She falls to the floor laughing before I can say anything.
"Why me lord why me," I ask looking up at the ceiling.
"All that oh God you were saying last night I think God needs a break from you girlfriend," Asia teases making me laugh.
"You got one more time," I say and shake my head.
"Was it good," she asks getting back onto the couch.
"Was what good," my Mother asks joining us in the living room she must have just gotten off of work because she's in uniform and looks exhausted.
"Nathan bought me some food from a new restaurant that's uptown last night," I lie quickly coming up with it.
"Speaking of last night why the hell weren't you answering your phone Nathan and I both were trying get in contact with you. I'm tired of you thinking you can just do what you want to do," my Mom fusses ruining my whole mood. I just woke up I don't have time for this. I start shaking my leg getting more pissed off by the second.
"I was at a New Years Eve block party further downtown. My phone had died," I explain and she quickly shakes her head in disapproval.
"What time did you get in," she asks.
"Two something," I answer honestly.
"Asia it's time for you to go home," my Mother states with her arms folded across her chest.
"I don't have anywhere I can go," Asia explains holding her hands in her lap. "I'm pregnant and my baby daddy don't want me anymore. My parents told me I'm on my own so y'all are all that I got."
"Honey you can't stay here baby I can barely afford to feed the kids I've got I can't add two more mouths," my Mother explains. "Raising a child takes a lot of responsibility and it isn't cheap."
"So you just gonna kick her out," I ask raising my voice higher than I intended to. "If she has to go I'm leaving too!"
"You can't just sign me up to take care of two more people when I'm already struggling to raise the two kids that I have. Barely sleeping, barely eating because I'm trying to provide for your ungrateful ass. You have one more time to raise your voice at me Paris because next time I'm gonna beat your ass cause I'm not one of your little friends and I don't mind reminding you that I am your mother. I brought you into this world and I will take you out. Try me," she warns jacking me up by my shirt.
"You done," I ask looking at her like I don't give a fuck because I don't. Her fist flies before I have the chance to get out the way.
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