Chapter 11.

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When I got in last night Nathan was no where to be found. It scared me because I watched him turn his gun on everyone else and I wasn't sure if they noticed or if they were too busy staring at me. I kind of wish I would have just listened to Nathan from jump and stayed out of this shit. I don't know who I'm about to become getting wrapped up into this mess. I'm carrying not only guns, but drugs and large loads of cash. Victor gave me one thousand dollars last night in the bundle of cash he handed me. I haven't touched it I put it under the mattress and left it there. My Mom didn't raise me to be like this and the saddest part is I wasn't afraid to pull my trigger I was actually looking forward to it. What does that make me?

I've been up all night thinking about it. I'm afraid of the answer. I just wish I didn't have to be alone but I don't want to pull anyone else into this so I refuse to contact friends or family. I haven't even looked at my phone because I know my Mom is probably freaking out.

My thoughts are interrupted as Nathan walks into the room closing the door behind him.

"What are you doing up," he asks seeing that I'm still in the same clothes rocking back and forth on the bed.

"I don't think I can do this," I admit. "I know I came willingly and it's not that I'm afraid of anybody. The thing is that I'm afraid of myself. The fact that I'm comfortable with this situation I'm willing to kill somebody it scares the shit out me. It's like I'm a monster in training," I say looking into his eyes. He quickly shakes his head.

"Paris you're not a monster you're just tough you're not weak. You won't allow anybody to get you before you get them first that doesn't make your ass a monster it leaves your ass alive. That's shit you learn growing up in Hurt Village kill or be killed and not to be a punk about it. The only reason I'm carrying on with this shit is because I know you can handle it and protect yourself that doesn't mean that it doesn't scare the shit out of me but I believe in you. You got this and if you don't... You already know I always got you," he states. He walks over to the bed and brings me to my feet. "Let's take a bath so we can both get some much needed sleep." He walks into the bathroom getting our bath water ready while I grab one of his shirts not caring to get any underwear since I'm going to bed.

"Where were you last night," I ask joining him in the bathroom.

"Big had us at the trap he talked about Victor and then you came up. He wants precautions taken he no longer wants you carrying a gun," he explains and I give him a crazy look.

"Who's gonna stop me," I ask and strip from my clothing. Nathan steps into the bath and lays back getting comfortable so I get in and sit on the other end facing him.

"Why are you all the way over there," he asks.

"Because I'm waiting for you to answer my questions this isn't lovey dovey Paris this about the business right now. Now like I said who's gonna stop me," I ask again.

"I will," he states. "I volunteered to pat you down and take your weapons off of you."

"Yeah you can try," I say and he tilts his head smirking at me.

"You don't scare me P you're my lightweight," he states. I smirk looking into his brown eyes. "Come here," he says and reaches for me so I crawl over to him and lay back against him. The water temperature is hot the way I like it and the bubbles are comforting. This tub is huge and round I honestly wish we had one of these at my house. "I volunteered because that will allow me to stand by your side and in front of them giving me an advantage just in case somebody feeling froggy. That'll also keep you from having to worry about pulling the trigger yourself." I nod and watch him put soap on a wash cloth before lathering it onto my body starting with my breast and stomach and then coming around to my back. I close my eyes and open my legs first feeling the wash cloth on my thighs and then feeling his fingers inside of me. I quickly open my eyes and look back at him.

"I couldn't help myself," he states and removes his fingers and washed me with the wash cloth. I turnover on my stomach and allow him to wash over my butt cheeks. "Mmm," he smiles and grabs my butt I also feel him hardening under me.

"There's no way in hell we're having sex," I say and he laughs.

"Who said anything about sex Paris," Nathan ask.

"Little Nathan Jr. over here," I say looking down between his legs.

"Did you say little," Nathan asks pulling me onto his lap making me straddle him.

"I didn't mean little like that Nathan I meant as in smaller than you," I say and he shakes his head.

"Don't use the words little or small when talking about junior he starts feeling some type of way. When he feels some type of way it's not good you may never walk again talking about him like that," Nathan explains. I feel him poking at my entrance. There's nothing about Nathan that's small and definitely not Nathan Jr. Nathan carries three legs every damn day I never thought he would fit inside of me and when he tried I thought I was gonna damn near die. Shoot every time we have sex it hurts it just eventually feels good those girls that lie and say their first time felt good must have been busting it open a lot longer than they wanted to admit to or they nigga was small as hell.

I stare into Nathan's eyes. "Sorry,"I whisper and reach for his bath cloth.

"I'm not the one you have to apologize to," he states and looks down. I look down too I swear this snake has a mind of its own its literally standing proudly between my legs waiting for me to open up for him.

"I'm sorry," I say to it kind of feeling silly. I wrap my fingers are him and Nathan moves my hand.

"That's not gonna do anything now that I've been inside of you that dainty hand of yours does nothing for me," he states. I don't know why that made me wet. I almost came down on his awaiting predator waiting to capture it's prey. "Go get in the bed I'm gonna finish in here and I'll be in there in a minute," he states. I get out the bath and dry off watching him bathe. After tossing on the shirt I walk out the bedroom and climb into the bed completely exhausted. I soon feel Nathan join me minutes later pulling me into his arms. "I promise you're not a monster P because you're my queen," he whispers in my ear and kisses me goodnight. My body completely relaxes after hearing his words and I fall into a deep sleep.

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