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We were just laying there. Our bodies pressed together. We didn't need anything else... Or anyone else.

"Scott" I heard his sweet voice snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Hmm?" I hummed in response looking down to see his beautiful features.

"Do you actually think we will get married one day?" His voice was shaky and I could sense the nervousness in it.

"When Gay marriage is approved, then yeah" I stroked his hair trying to relax him.

"But what if it doesn't get approved?"  He turned his body around and looked into my eyes.

"Then we will escape.. There are other countries where it's approved, we can go marry there and we come back"

He nodded and kissed me, he stood up after wrapping one of the blankets on over his waist and walking to the bathroom.

I sighed and got up walking into my room and jumping in the shower.

The warm water relaxing my muscles and my troubled mind.


"Babe do you want anything to eat?" I said turning around and looking at the boy in the counter.

"No it's okay, I'm going with Lottie later, she's wants to present us Larry"

I laughed "Double L Trouble" he smirked and jumped to the floor.

I walked to him and wrapped my arms around his waist bringing him up to a kiss.


Lottie🤘🏻: hey Larry is going to be here in 10 minutes. Stop f**** and move your horny asses over here

I burst out laughing and immediately answered her

ScottHohorny😏: we aren't f**** Lottie! But we are going already Yeez!

Lottie🤘🏻: whatever! See ya..

I grabbed Mitch's hand walking outside and locking the house.

"Do you think he's handsome?" I said trying to make Mitch jealous.

He looked at me and narrowed his eyes "What are you trying to do?"

I chucked and kissed his cheek "Making you jealous"

"Well Hoying it ain't working kay?"

"So if I go up to him and kiss him you won't get mad?" I said trying to test him.

" you wouldn't dare loosing me again" he smirked and put in the radio lowering his car window.

I stared at him and started out way to Lottie's house.

And he was right... I can't let myself loose him again..


We Parked in Lottie's driveway, the car ride was silent but we kept holding hands.

He got out of the car first and knocked on Lottie's door.

Lottie  came out of the door in pjs and slippers and she looked like she fell off the bed.

"Larry is going to be here in 5 minutes and I can't get ready" she  looked nervous and as if her world was about to explode.

"I'll help you" said Mitch dragging her to her room

"SCOTT BE NICE TO LARRY!" Screamed Lottie.

I smirked and leaned on the wall waiting until I heard two Knocks.

I opened the door and noticed he was medium sized but he wasn't taller than me... Thank god.

I let him in and he looked around "Where's Lottie?"

I looked him over and shrugged "Upstairs"

"With who and by the way who are you?" He pointed at me with an angry expression

I almost laughed if he actually thought I was straight.

"She is up there with my boyfriend, and I'm Scott"

His eyes went wide and he took a step back.

Oh god

Lottie came down minutes later looking great and she immediately ran to hug Larry.

I grabbed Mitch's hand and pulled him to a kiss "Guys!"

I turned around to see Lottie looking at us with a shocked expression.

"What? It's not my fault he is so beautiful and sexy" Mitch blushed and kissed my neck.

"You guys have a lot of time to do that" she pointed at us "Now is the time for you to meet my boyfriend"

Larry smiled and waved "Yeah... Well your boyfriend thought I was straight and almost killed me"

Larry blushed in embarrassment and just nodded "I'm sorry" he mumbled. "I just get scared because she is so beautiful and amazing, and any boy I see is a threat to me"

"Same but me with Mitch" I kissed his forehead and he snuggled into me.

We spent a lot of time talking to Larry and getting to know him that it hit 6:30 P.M

Mitch was the one that noticed and he jumped "Oh my god it's already 6:30.. Uhh we should get going" he smiled nervously

He pushed me out of the door and I had to shout my goodbyes.

Mitch's POV

"Why are you two leaving so early?" Said Lottie walking towards me.

I winked at her and made a moaning noise, she covered her mouth and started laughing

"Bye Babe!!" I shouted and got outside.

Scotts POV

I got in the car while I waited for Mitch to get out of Lottie's house

I saw him running towards the car laughing, he got in the car slamming the door.

I looked at him intently, he looked into my eyes and smiled, he came close to my ear and whispered "If I were you I would start the car daddy... I have a surprise for you at home"

That got me turned on and speeded to our house.


I slammed the door of our room, and pushed him to the bed pinning his arms above his head.

I kissed him roughly and moved to his neck leaving a hickey.


Hiiiii!! Again, so thank you very much for all the comments and favorites and thank you all for getting my book which started just as an idea to 2.29K!!! Omg I couldn't be more excited!

Sooo I start school tomorrow and that's going to mean lack of updates which, I think I would just be able to update Friday, Saturday, and Sunday's.. And no I'm not going to stop updating or anything.

I love you guys so much! See you bad bishes l8ter!🤘🏻

*Blows Kiss* Goodbyeeee

High school CrushDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora