They Ask You To Move In With Them ~ 5SOS

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"And this is the last box," you huffed, dragging in a large cardboard box that contained even more of Ashton's clothes. You had no idea that a boy could own so many. "So everything you need is all here. Anything else I can do?" You asked, leaning against the wall to try and catch your breath. Ashton was moving into a new flat and had asked for you to help him, and because you were such a loving girlfriend you agreed. Ashton walked in munching on a chocolate bar as he peered around. "No, I think that's everything." He manoeuvred around the boxes, opening each one up and checking its contents before moving onto the next one. "Are you looking for anything in particular?" You asked, watching him in amusement. He checked the last box and then walked over to you. "There's something missing. A big thing actually." You groaned. "Please don't say that. I haven't got any more energy to move more things." A small smile came onto his face as he hugged you. "Check that box by the door," he whispered. You pulled away and followed his gaze. Eyeing him suspiciously, you quickly wandered over to it, ever so slowly opening it up, expecting something to jump out at you. But nothing did. You gasped and pulled out articles of clothing that belonged to you. "Ashton, why are my clothes here?" You asked, turning around to face him. That small smile that had been on his face moments ago had grown even bigger and your heart began to pound quickly. "Wait," you whispered. "A-are you asking me to," he completed your sentence by saying, "(Y/N), will you move in here with me? That way I can nearly always have you close to me." Your heart fluttered and you jumped up, running over to him as you squealed, "Yes! I will move in with you." He picked you up and twirled you around as you brought your lips down to his. You were so happy to be finally moving in with the guy that you loved.


"Luke, what's all this about?" You asked as you held your hands out in front of you, blindly feeling around. You'd gone over to your boyfriend's house and he said that he had a surprise for you. You had both gotten into the car and Luke had blindfolded you and, after a twenty minute journey, he stopped and was guiding you to this 'surprise'. "You just have to wait and see, we're almost there," he replied, and you could almost picture the smile on his face. You bit your lip and began to think of what it was that he had for you. "Right, now just wait here till the elevator gets here," he mumbled. "Elevator? Where are we?" You asked, not being able to think. "I aren't telling." The ping that announced the arrival of the elevator sounded and you were guided in. Eventually Luke had gotten you to where you were supposed to be. "Here we are!" He exclaimed. He took the blindfold off and you were facing a wooden door with the letters, "2D," on it. "What," you began, but Luke opened the door up before you had time to question. Inside was what looked to be brand new furniture, a large TV, a two seater sofa and an armchair, a coffee table, everything was new. "Why are you showing me this?" You laughed as you wandered in. "Well, I wanted to ask you a question." You turned to him and he reached for your hands, enveloping his around yours. "(Y/N), will you do me the honour of moving into this flat with me? I bought it today and I was hoping you'd say yes." You were stunned, allowing the information to slowly sink in. Luke had asked you to move in with him? Luke had asked you to move in with him. Luke had asked you to move in with him! You squealed lightly causing Luke to jump and then nodded your head quickly. "Yes! I will! I can't believe you actually asked me. I never expected this," you gushed. He giggled lightly and cut you off with a kiss, mumbling, "Good," against your lips. You had never been happier.


You were sitting in your room and scrolling through Instagram when you heard something tap against your window. You glanced up and eyed it carefully. Just as you were about to look down, you saw a small stone of some kind hit it, creating the same tapping noise from before. "What the?" You asked, getting up and peering out. There, stood on your grass in your back garden, was your boyfriend Michael, a cute smile on his face. You rolled your eyes playfully and opened the window, yelling, "What are you doing out there?" You saw him shrug as he yelled back, "I was trying to make this romantic but so far it isn't working," he laughed. You smiled, his laugh sweet music to your ears as you asked, "Make what romantic?" Mikey turned and pointed towards the back end of your garden. You followed, your eyes eventually landing where he had pointed to, a small gasp escaping your lips. "Oh my gosh," you whispered, your mind not being able to cope with how romantic this was. At the back of your garden Michael had used small daisies and rose petals to form the words, "(Y/N), move in with me?" You grabbed your phone and snapped a picture of it before jogging down the stairs and going out into the garden. You leapt on him, almost knocking him to the floor, as you whispered, "This is the cutest thing anyone has ever done for me." You felt his arms hold you tighter as he whispered back, "So, that's a yes then?" You pulled away slightly and connected your lips to his, the two of them melting together. "Yes," you breathed as you kissed him once more. He had finally asked you and had done it in such a romantic way. You couldn't wait to go back in and pack all your things.


A knock at your door caused you to get up from the sofa, leaving behind your warm den of blankets and pillows. You opened it and peered out, seeing no one there. As you were about to return back, you noticed something fluttering on the floor. Curious, you knelt down and saw it was a small note being weighed down by a large rock. Unfolding it, you saw it read, "(Y/N), meet me at the park. C <3" You looked up and down the road to try and spot someone, but it was empty. Pulling on your coat and saying goodbye to your parents, you wandered down to the park that was five minutes from your house. Upon your arrival, you saw nothing out of the ordinary, just a few children and their parents playing on the swings. You walked around slowly, observing each piece of play equipment before coming across another note that was stuck to the climbing frame. Guessing it was for you, you unfolded it and read it. "Yay! You found my clue. At least I hope it's you. If this isn't (Y/N) then put it back!" You stopped reading and laughed at how cute he was being before carrying on, "Meet me at the apple tree behind you." You turned and saw which one he was referring to. Stuffing the note in your pocket, you excitedly skipped over to it, wondering what all of this was about. Reaching the tree, you walked over to the back of it and found a note pinned there. "Good! Now all you need to do is turn around!" You braced yourself and turned seeing Calum stood there with another note in his hands. "Hey! What's all this about?" You asked. "You'll see in a minute," he smile, handing you the note. This one read, "Sorry for making you run around like this but I wanted a fun and romantic way to ask you. Will you move in with me? Calum <3" You read the note a couple of times just to make sure that you understood it. "You want me to move in with you?" You asked slowly. He nodded, a wide smile painted on his face. "Will you?" He asked. You nodded and slowly pulled him into a big hug. "Of course I will," you whispered, resulting in him pulling you even closer. "Good," he whispered back, pulling away slightly to kiss your lips. You couldn't wait to finally move in with him and you loved the way he had asked you to.

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