You Get Mentioned In An Interview

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"We don't really have any major fights," Luke answered as he began to fiddle with the laces on his converse. "Yeah like we might have some disagreements with some of the music making because we all want to contribute loads of different things but there are never any major fights," Michael added. The interviewer smiled and nodded as we each answered her question. "Do you think you guys will ever have a big fight?" She asked. We all looked at each other, smiles on our faces, before we shook our heads in unison. "Not even over a girl?" They asked incredulously. Again we all shook our heads and she nodded thoughtfully before turning to face me. "So, speaking of girls, how's (Y/N) doing Ashton?" I could feel the smile growing on my face and I knew my cheeks would be tinted pink. "Yeah she's doing great. Obviously I've been away on tour for a while but I'm actually going to be seeing her for the first time in a long time tomorrow," I grinned as I drummed my finger against my legs. "Oh, that'll be nice for you. Are you thinking of going anywhere special?" I knew exactly where I was going to be taking (Y/N) tomorrow; I had it all planned out. "Yeah, I'm going to pick her up at the airport and then we're going to chill at the Hotel for a while and then I was thinking of taking her bowling and then to a restaurant of her choice," I explained with a proud smile plastered on my lips. "Ooo, that sounds amazing. She's very lucky," she chuckled and then leant forward and asked, "So, do you think you love her?" Upon her saying that, the other three boys turned to look at me, each sporting an amused smile. "Well, do you Ash?" Teased Michael. I didn't even need to think of the answer. I knew I loved her. My blush must have intensified for the other three giggled like school girls and I looked at the camera that was on air, stood up, threw my hands up in the air dramatically and exclaimed, "Yup. I love you so much (Y/N)." I knew she would be watching this now and I could just imagine the smile that she would be wearing. The interviewer, Luke, Calum and Michael all clapped and I sat back down. "Wow, that was a very nice declaration of your love for her there," the interviewer laughed before moving onto the next question. It was fair to say I always acted like that whenever (Y/N) got mentioned in an interview or chat. She needed to know how much I really did love her.


I tapped my foot impatiently against the floor and glanced towards the backstage area for the tenth time. This woman who was interviewing us was not only rude but had been trying to flirt with me the whole time despite her knowing I was in a relationship. I had switched places with Michael so I was the furthest away from her but still she was trying to flirt with me. "So Luke," she began, shooting me a smile and a subtle wink. "What do you look for in a girl?" She asked as she began to twirl her long, red hair around her index finger. I mentally rolled my eyes and attempted to control my breathing when an answer popped into my head and a smirk landed on my lips. "Well, there is one thing that I need in a girl," I smiled as I leant forward. "Oh yeah?" She asked, adding a giggle onto the end of her sentence. "Yep. I need my girls to be (Y/N). She is the sweetest, kindest and funniest person out there. Not to mention she is incredibly beautiful. I wouldn't have any other girl and I would never swap her for anyone. And if she did leave me, I still wouldn't have anybody because all I want is her." And with that I leant back, crossed my arms over my chest and smirked at the interviewer who was now scowling. "She can't be that good," she muttered. I scoffed and retorted, "She's a thousand percent better than what you'll ever be." Her cheeks mutated into a dark red and her eyes burned with anger. "One last question to conclude this interview. In one word how would you describe the tour?" She asked, rushing through the last question to clearly get away. We all summed it up quickly, the feeling of wanting to get out of here being mutual and with that we left. She'll learn next time not to flirt or put my girlfriend down because she wasn't going to get away with it. Nobody talks bad about (Y/N) ever!


"So who in the band is single?" Jimmy Fallon asked as he scanned over the four of us. Michael and Luke put their hands up and mine and Ashton's remained down. Jimmy's eyes shot to Ashton. "So it's you and Bryana right?" He asked and Ashton nodded with a smile on his face, his dimples on show. "So," Jimmy began slowly causing the audience to laugh, "How are you two doing?" Ashton nodded and answered, "Yeah we're doing good. Still early days but I'm enjoying my time with her." "Great to hear. I personally think you two are a great couple," he smiled. Ashton chuckled and replied, "Why thank you." Then Jimmy's eyes moved down to me and I could feel my smile growing also. "So Calum my man. I didn't know you were taken." He waggled his eyebrows and asked, "Who's the lucky lady?" I cleared my throat and replied, "Her name's (Y/N) and I've been dating her for four months now I think." He pointed an index finger at me, his mouth agape as though he was in thought, and then asked, "Wait, is (Y/N) the one who was in that photo with you on your Instagram?" I bit my lip as I thought back and then nodded. "So that was like, your what? Showing the world you're together type thing?" He asked. "Yeah it was. We wanted to tell people a couple of weeks after we got together and we both agreed that a photo would be the best." He nodded and then glanced over to one of the screens near the audience where the photo of (Y/N) and I was on show; it was my favourite photo of the two of us. "That is a lovely photo. What do the kids say? I ship it!" He chuckled as the audience began to applaud and wolf whistle. "Well I'm glad you guys are all settled down with girls. I wish you all the best," Jimmy smiled before he went onto the next question. The picture of (Y/N) and I stayed on the screen and every now and again I found myself looking back over to it. It really was my favourite photo.


"You reunited with your girlfriend yesterday didn't you Michael?" The man interviewing us asked me, his eyes locked on me. "Yeah. I met her at the airport and then we had a movie night in," I explained, a smile on my face as all the happy memories flooded back to me. "When was the last time you saw her apart from yesterday?" He asked as he stroked his beard. "Oh erm," I began and then scrunched my face up in thought. "It must have been about four months ago I think," I said slowly, before nodding my head in confirmation. "Wow, it must be hard not being able to see her for so long." I nodded and he paused before adding, "I know I hate not seeing my wife after a days work never mind four months," as he fiddled with his wedding ring. "Yeah it is quite hard but I ring her and text her and Skype her all of the time." The interviewer nodded and then asked, "What is the thing you love most about her?" I opened my mouth to answer but found nothing coming out. "It's hard to just think of one thing," I laughed as I went back into thought. "I pretty much love everything about her. But if I had to choose one thing it's how supportive she is of me. Like whenever I need her she's always there. I could ring her at three in the morning if I needed her and she would never be mad and she knows just what to say to cheer me up. It's the best feeling in the world when you know you have someone there for you." I could feel my heart fluttering as I talked more and more about (Y/N). I was really blessed to have her and I knew that I loved her so much. "It really is a great feeling. So do you think you guys will stay together in the future?" He asked as he shuffled through his question cards. "I hope so," I answered before adding with a laugh, "If she'll have me." The man nodded, and the other boys giggled before the interviewer asked a different question. Yep, I really did love her.

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