Chapter 5

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I wake up and see Shepard is hugging me while we were still in bed. She was still sleeping, I didn't want to wake her, so I slowly crept out from the cage she had me in and laid her down on the bed. She was so calm so... so... perfect, so I got my clothes on and getting my stuff together. When I was about to walk out the door she woke up, she realized that I was dressed and getting ready to leave.

"Back to regular life?" She observes while while getting out of bed.

"Well I wouldn't call it regular anymore," I say as I go and sit next to her as she's getting dressed. "I never knew that you were that you were that fantastic Shepard." I say not knowing where this conversation was going to go.

She chuckles and says "Well I did have to make the first move." She says with a mocking tone. She gets up off the bed to get fully dressed.

"Well yeah, I'm a Turian remember?" I say.

"Yeah well it seems like humans know how to do things in bed better than Turians."

"Fine, you win, but we'll have to do this again, to prove that I can be a lady's man."

"You, a lady's man? Well since you got me I guess you are a chick magnet huh?" She says as she puts her shirt on, fully clothed, and comes to sit next to me.

"Well of course," I say holding her hand "but Shepard since you gave me a question last night and I answered..." I say drifting off not sure how to ask the question.

"What is it Garrus, you can ask me anything." She says putting her hand on my shoulder.

"What are we gonna do after we beat the Collectors? I mean, the Reapers are coming and getting rid of the Collectors is just the first step. I don't think that it would be enough."

"It's not going to be enough, we would need to convince the council and governments all over the galaxy that the Reapers exist, and we would need to unite and prepare for them."

She makes a good point, we are not even close to ready to defeating the reapers. We would need months to prepare, at least the Turians would need a couple months, and I don't know if we have enough time. Sovereign was just one reaper, and he was tough to take down, took the whole human fleet to kill him. I don't know how we could do it against a hundred reapers, not to mention thousands of them.

"But Shepard" I say with a calm and quiet voice "you have one more thing to worry about." I look at her and she is looking back into my eyes, those green eyes full with color and wonder.

"Uh huh? I have tons of things to worry about, what's one more?" She says moving close enough to where our sides and legs were touching.

I grab her hands and hold them close to me "You have a man who is worried about you, so you better come back to me, unharmed and still kicking." I lean over and kiss her forehead.

She leans in close to my ears "Well guess what? I'm the commander remember so you can't give me orders, so you have to come back to me." She leans in and gives me a light kiss on my lips.

"Alright," she says getting up "we're about to go on suicide mission, so you better go down and get ready." she tells me.

"Yeah you're probably right, I wouldn't want the collectors to cower in fear because of my good looks and sexy body."

"Well I will give you that Garrus, you do have good looks and a nice body."

I chuckle and throw my bag over my shoulder and head to the elevator and tailed it to the crew deck, I sit in the elevator and am astonished on how well last night actually went. I thought it was going to be a complete disaster, and it went great, but Shepard was the one who made sure of that, it certainly wasn't going to be me that made it go smooth.

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