Chapter 19

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"Garrus what are you doing?" Shepard gives me a confused look.

"Well these pants are a little tight. We Turians don't like to have our pants too tight, because well... let's just say it's really uncomfortable." I say as I adjust my pants, my crotch was really uncomfortable, because the pants were way too tight for my liking. I've learned not to let a robot go shopping for your clothes.

We were in the back of a limo, seeing how it is that Shepard is the savior of the Citadel, and I have one of the highest positions that the Turians could offer, getting a limo was the least of our worries. We figured we'd travel in style to the party so that way it was more believable that we were there to actually have fun at the party. Damn shame though, I would like to have fun every once and awhile. We wanted the windows in the back tinted just in case any of the Cat6 members were watching the pathways.

"Uncomfortable how?" She says as she takes a drink of some sort of whine that was in the limo.

"You doing a biology experiment or something?"

"Maybe I am, I want to get better at blowing off steam you know."

"Well I'll start with saying don't try to go in my body and grab it for starters, if you want to get better at blowing off steam."

Shepard's face turns red. "Grab what?"

"The one thing you're trying to learn about."

"How do Turians... well." Brooks says sitting across from me and Shepard.

"Do what?"

"You know... make that" she points at my crotch "come out? I know that Turians don't have it like... on the outside. Like humans do."

Shepard gives me a surprised look "Well I'm going to need another glass of wine." She says as she pours the red liquid in the circular shaped glass.

"Hook me up with one too." She pours more of the wine in a second glass and hands it to me.

"Seriously how does it work?" Surprisingly she wasn't turning red, because I knew that I was feeling uncomfortable.

"Well-" I start to say but the limo stops and I almost spill my red wine all over my brand new black and white suit. "What the hell? What's going on out there?"

"Sorry sir I didn't mean to stop so suddenly. I inform you that we have reached your destination."

The driver with a fast pace runs over to the door on Shepard's side and opens it. "Miss savior of the Citadel, the party awaits." We get out of the car and the driver hands us our tickets. "Just show these to the guards and they will let you in. They shouldn't give you any trouble."

"Thank you." Shepard hands him the credits which she owed him, and he seemed well pleased. We exit the vehicle and see that there was a red carpet on the ground leading toward the entrance of the Casino. Between us and the entrance was a bunch of cameras which made me worried, ever since Cat6 attacked Shepard, I've been paranoid. Looking everywhere for the slightest object, or spec of dust, that was out of place. Seeing a big crowd like this, didn't help my paranoia at all, especially with cameras covering their faces. Shepard wraps her arms around my left arm, and leans on me."We'll be careful okay?"

"Yeah okay." I take a deep breath. "You ready to be the girl of the hour?" We start walking down the red carpet, while doing so we heard the reporters shouting questions in mine and Shepard's name. "But even though people are trying to kill you, you still find a way to look mighty good Shepard." She was wearing human black silk in the main part of the dress, but the arms seemed to be cotton with what seemed to be small crystals embedded in them, but I observed closer and it was some type of glitter.

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