Chapter 3

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When we got on the shuttle and returning to the Normandy, it was a quiet trip. Shepard didn't say anything she didn't even look at me. Whatever Kaiden said must have really hurt her, she looks like she was going to break down and cry. I was looking out the window to the vacuum of space, just seeing the emptiness of all makes me feel better for some reason. All of a sudden I feel Shepard touch my shoulder. I turned around and I see her giving me that look, but this time I did something I haven't done before, I welcomed it, I didn't try to stop it.

"Garrus thanks for that back there, I didn't know what to say to Kaiden." She says with a sincere voice.

"No problem Shepard, he was wrong and there was no reason for him to treat you like that. I couldn't just have you stand there and take all that alone."

"Oh my god," Jack comes over my voice into the conversation. "get a room already you all making those stupid poems. It's starting to get me sick."

"Sorry Jack I forgot you're allergic to nice things."

She scoffs at me but I don't bother replying to it, there was no need for it. We return to the shuttle bay of Normandy, the light reflecting of the light silver walls. I get everything off the shuttle when I see Shepard heading to the elevator, I run and I tap her shoulder.

"Shepard, didn't you say you wanted to talk to me or something after we were done with this mission?"

Shepard notices me but doesn't turn around but just keeps heading to the elevator I keep up with her so I can get a response.

"I haven't forgotten but I have to report to Miranda and the illusive man first I'll meet you in the main battery or your room by most accounts."

"Alright I'll be waiting for you."

I let Shepard get in the elevator first and I head to down to the crew deck to go to my quarters, or the main battery. I get down to it and it wasn't crowded like it usually is, I get out the elevator and head down to my quarters, I open the door and I sit down for about five minutes waiting for Shepard. I realized it was going to be awhile so I just started working on the calibrations for the Normandy's guns. Ever since Shepard has been working on upgrades for the ship, it has become a lot better. She even got the guns upgraded and has made my job alot easier, and it makes me feel more comfortable when we go up against the collectors, these ones have a lot more kick and fire power. I got a little carried away with the diagnostics when Shepard knocked on the door and walked in. I held up my hand to tell her I would to talk to her once I was done with this calibration, which took me about two minutes.

"Alright and done, alright Shepard what did you want to talk about?" I say as I turn around and lean on my desk with my arms folded.

"Be honest with me Garrus how do you feel about this mission?" Shepard looks at me with a concerned look which I have never seen before. I raise the skin above my eye, since we turians don't have eyebrows, to show that I was kind of confused to why Shepard would be asking that question.

"To be honest Shepard I am really stressed out, not like before when we took on Saren and when we went to Illos. I mean, now you have Jacob and Miranda telling us what we're up against and EDI giving us the statistics. Hell, the way it looks it seems like the Turian military would have a hard time dealing with something like this. I mean humans don't deal with stress as Turians do, I don't know how humans deal with stress."

"Really," Shepard sounds intrigued "how do Turians deal with stress? You were with C-sec and the Turian military a bit weren't you?"

"I was with the Turian military for a little bit yes, but I couldn't deal with it. I don't think I make a good Turian, a good Turian listens to his commander no matter what, but I think that's a stupid rule especially when the galaxy or Palaven is at stake."

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