Chapter 6

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Souls POV

The movie finished and Kid was still asleep. I looked to Tsubaki, she seemed lost in thought.

"Tsubaki..." She looked over. "You wont tell anyone about this will you?"

"Everyone is really worried though!" She replied.

"Please for Kid!"

"Okay, i wont tell a soul!"

"Thanks Tsubaki, i didnt want Kid to worry"

She smiled. "You really do like him dont you!"

I looked away and i felt a blush rise to my cheeks. She giggled and stood.

"I should get going Blackstar will be wondering where i am".

I nodded and she left the apartment. I looked down to Kid, still asleep, i looked at the clock 00:00 midnight. I yawned and my head rested lightly on Kids and i fell asleep.

~~Kids Nightmare~~

Kids POV

Everything was dark, black. I looked around, im alone as far as i could tell. I wondered a bit as i had nothing else to do.

I heard footsteps one big and loud as they take strong strides towards me. Two other trailed behind. It was THEM again.

I turned towards the footsteps, but couldnt see anyone.

"Ikuto, i know your there!" I called.

The three stepped out of the darkness. Each with a sickly grin on there face, ikuto sniggered as he crept closer with his gang.

"Hey little gay reaper, up for another round?"

I stepped back but there was an invisible wall blocking my path. I turned the the three but three became one and Dare and Taku appeared beside me grabbing my arms holding me in place. No matter how hard i struggled i couldnt break free.

I screamed as Ikuto started to strip me down. Stripping himself aswell.

Then suddenly a voice broke the scene and i opened my eyes to see Soul looking down at me in worry.

"Kid, are you okay? You were screaming!"

Souls POV

I looked at Kid he was shaking and crying. He shook his head and told me his nightmare. I hugged him and whispered in his hair that is was going to be okay.

He eventually calmed down, i looked at the clock again, 8:00. I got up and lead Kid to his kitchen where i made breakfast. He's slowly making progress now eating little bits every day.

I ate my breakfast while Kid ate little bots but mainly picked at his food.

A loud ring broke the silence. Kid made no attempt to get it so i went and picked it up.

To my surprise Lord Death was on the phone.

"Oh thank death you finally picked up, are you okay Kiddo, i havent seen you for months and you havent been turning up for school and... Im worried"

I looked over at Kid, he had even been avoiding his dad. I averted my attention to Lord Death.

"Umm Lord Death its not Kid, its Soul"

"Soul? Are you with Kid?"

"Yes, i-"

"Can i speak to him?"

I looked i over at Kid, who shook his head.

"Umm he doesnt want to right now-"

"Please Soul! I havent seen or heard from my son in months"

I left the kitchen and went to the living rokm where Kid couldnt hear me.

"Ill try and get him to come to the school office."

"Thank you Soul, is he okay?"

"Well... I think if you were to know Kid should tell you"

"I understand but if anything bad happens to him, you will be blamed!!"

An awkward silence fell over the phone until i heard Lord Death whisper.

"Look after my Kiddo will you?"

"Of course, ill always be there for him!"

"Good, thanks Soul!"

He said goodbye and he hung up. I went back into the kitchen to find Kid gone.


"Kid where are you?"

I searched the house only to find him gone. Where could he have run off to.

Kids POV

"Ill try and get him to come to the school office."

I jumped from the table. I dont want to go see my father, not yet anyway. I snuck out of my apartment and ran. I made my way to the forest and ended up by a small stream.

I sat down by the waters edge and took off my shoes and socks to dip my feet in. The cold water brushed gentley past my feet as i gazed up at the tree canopy.

My mind wandered back to the nightmare and every other thing Ikuto and his gang told me. I know Soul said it would get better but its harder than he thinks just forget such hateful words. The seem unforgetable.

The stream i was at was deep and i knew if i should fall in i would most likely drown. I cant swim so it would be suicide.


The word was ever so tempting and i had an opportunity right infront of me.



I know this is shorter than usual but j wanted to update so you didnt think i have forgotten or anything 😊



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