Chapter 22

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Kids POV


All i can see is darkness.

As i began to sit up, a bright lighy filled the room. Ikuto emerged from the doorway, a whip in hand.

He began walking closer, untying the whip as he went. I struggled against the chains that were now restricting my wrists to the wall and holding my body upright.

"I see your awake." Ikuto smirked as he brandished his whip.

He whipped the rope next to my cheek, just barely missing.

"Its time to have some fun!"

He untied the cloth around my mouth and whispered in my ear.

"Dont hold back now, i want to hear you scream!"

I whimpered as he trailed his bony fingers alone my jaw. He stood back and prepared his whip, then stopped.

"Actually, this would be so much more fun, if i prepared you first."

Confused, i shook my head and tried to free my hands.

"No, Kid you have to keep still, or it will hurt even more" Ikuto said slyly and he started unbuckling his belt.

"We had so much fun the first time, and then your little boyfriend stopped us the second time. As they say, third times the charm!"

He ripped off his trousers and pants and leaned his body against mine. He started fumbling with my belt.

"Your little boyfriend cant save you now!"

I snapped my head away from him.
"Soul will come for me, my dad will too!"

"Ooh, getting brave now are we" Ikuto pulled my trousers.

"Well, we cant have that!" He pulled down my boxers.

"Now can we" My scream filled the room as Ikuto started his 'preperation'

Soul... Dad... Please help me.


Souls POV

I woke with a start. Damn it! I fell asleep. I sat up to see Lord Death pacing round the Death Room.

"Any news?" i asked.

Lord Death turned to me. He looked at me with golden eyes.

Just like Kids.

He had taken his mask off. Hes eyes although golden were bloodshot, he had been crying.

"No.." He said sadly. "Not yet"

Lord Death reached for his mask as a someone had entered the room.

Maka, Blackstar, Tsubaki, Liz and Patty entered the room. I smiled st Maka, Blackstar and Tsubaki, but glared at Kids weapons. This was all their fault.

"What are they doing here?" Refering to Liz and Patty.

Liz and Patty stepped forward. "We are so sorry, we didnt mean for any of this to hap-"

"You never mean for anything to happened, yet its always your fault when it does!" I said turning aeay from them.

"Liz and Patty said they might know where Kid is-" Maka started.

"Where! Tell me now, who knows what Ikuto is doing to him!"

"Well, Ikuto mentioned once about a place he went to when he was avoiding getting caught" Liz began.

"But its secret!" Said Patty.

"So you dont where it is" i said

"We do know that it is in Death City, in the outskirts though."

"Lets go, we have to go now!" I jumped out of the bed and headed towards the door.

"Wait! Soul, i call the death sythes and tell them to start looking aswell, we all know how dangerous Ikuto can be." Lord Death turned to his mirror and contacted the death sythes.

I looked to the gang. "Are you coming with me?"

They all nodded and we left the Death Room. We will find you Kid. I promise.

Kids POV

My knees buckled, as Ikuto hit me again with the whip. I screamed, tears flowing down my face, my chest covered it whip marks. Some were so bad they had started bleeding.

Ikuto laughed and laughed. It echoed in my mind, hes crazy. The whip hit my chest again, even harder then the last time.

My scream bounced off the small walls in the room i was locked in.

"Now, wasnt that fun!"

I didnt answer, Ikuto grabbed my hin forcefull and forced me to look up.

"I said, wasnt that fun!" He squeezed my cheeks hard, i unwillingly let out a whimper and he grinned satisfied.

"Now you have been bad, ignoring me like that." He trailed his hand under my chin. "I guess that means no food"

He picked up his whip, and headed for the door. " same time tomorrow Kid"  and he shut the door.

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