Chapter 24

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Third person POV

Its been a few days since Ikuto kidnapped Kid. Even though Ikuto only tortured Kid once a day, it left Kid physically and mentally exhausted.

As Kids body had only just recovered from the past few months, so these new injuried were rapidly affected his health. Kid could no longer scream for help, cry in pain... he couldnt do anything.

Soul, Maka, Blackstar, Tsubaki, Liz, Patty, Lord Deatha and all the death sythes had been searching endlessly to find Kid. The whereabouts of Ikutos hideout was unknown. Soul was the most frantic, searching everywhere for every second he could. He didnt eat or sleep even when he collasped from exhaustion.

At one point Lord Death had to knock him out so he could rest for a few hours at least. Soul never stopped crying, especially when a search at a possible hideout came out empty. He missed Kid so much, but couldnt do much about it.

Ikuto had spies to he knew where the search party was and set up a cloaking spell whenever the came closer. He tortured Kid mercilessly, he never stopped when Kid collasped, he never stopped when Kid begged him to, he was an uncontrollable machine.

This day, however, they spies were caught and Ikuto was clueless where the gang were. He decided today, he would use every weapon he had on Kid. He carried his whip, daggers, knifes, swords and even potion of posion and anything harmful down to the basement where he kept Kid.

Kid condition has worsened, he struggled to breathe, and the cuts and marks on his body, would definatley leave scars. The only sound Kid could physically make as Ikuto made his way down the stairs toward him was a pathertic whimper.

He started with the whip, making new marks and making old ones bleed.  The whole time Ikuto laughed and laughed. Every so often changing his weapon. Kid, by this point had given up completely, wishing endlessly that this torture would end.

Ikuto soon could bored of the weapons, even though he had spent a could hour using them. He sauntered close to Kid and removed what was left of Kids trousers, then removing his own. Im pretty you can guess what happens next.

While Ikuto tortured Kid, Soul and the gang followed the restrained spies to Ikutos lair. Tsubaki had contacted Lord Death and he and the death sythes were on their way over.

After an angonizing hour of walking, the finally reached the hideout, Lord Death arrived and the sythes rounded up the spies. Tsubaki transformed into her weapon form for Blackstar, while Liz and Patty transformed for Maka. Soul wanted to find Kid himself so Maka managed to connect soulwavelength with the sisters.

Lord Death, Soul, Maka and Blackstar entered the what seemed abandoned house. The only room intact was a large room which looked liked a kitchen, bathroom and bedroom combined together.

They searched the house in pairs, Maka and Blackstar, Soul and Lord Death. Maka and Blackstar went upstairs while the others searched downstairs. They were interupted when they heard manic laughter. Soul froze as he turned towards a sealed door.

He walked over and opened the door, wooden steps lead down to a dark basement. The laughter grew louder and Soul could now hear soft whimpering. He called Lord Death over and they both headed down the steps.

Soul saw a straved, bruised and broken boy chained the wall. The only clothes he had left intact were his signature black suit trousers, torn to shreds.


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