Chapter 23

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Souls POV

The gang and I left the DWMA, and headed for the outskirts of Death City. I refused to talk to Liz and Patty, they trailed behind in silence, probably thinking over the past few months. Maka and Blackstar searched for Kid soul, but still had no luck.

Tsubaki was walking next to me, whispering words of comfort to me, when i got too panicky. Im constantly worried for Kid, who knows what Ikuto is doing to him.

Kids POV

There is no concept of time, when you are locked in one room. No windows, no light, only a heavy metal door, separating me from Ikuto. It also separated me from my freedom, from Soul...

I was still hanging from the wall, my wrists taking all my weight. My legs were still too weak from Ikuto's 'preparation'.

The darkness reminds of my nightmares, i havent had any in a while but the darkness brings the memories back. I hate the dark, but i dont want the light to come on. If the light comes on Ikuto will appear.

Bright light fills the room as Ikuto walks into the room. He has knife with him.

"Morning Kid~ you ready for some fun?"

I dont reply, but my silence seems to anger Ikuto as he slaps me.

"I said!- are you ready?" He snapped.

I shoke my head. He slaps me again. "You speak when you are spoken too"

"N-no" my tiny voice filled the silence as Ikuto smirked and brought the knife to my face.

"You see this knife" he brought it closer to my face.

"I said- do you see it!" Ikuto sneered.

"Y-yes" my voice still very quiet.

"This will be your new friend!" Ikuto ripped of my shirt and jacket and held the blade to my chest.

He made a small cut, in the middle and stared up at me. I whimpered as he pressed harder as he made the cut longer.

He removed the knife. "I cant wait to hear you scream!"


The light disappeared as Ikuto left the room. He still left my chained to the wall, my shirt and jacket torn to pieces and my blood scattered the floor. The cuts werent deep enough for me to bleed out, but were deep enough to hurt if i moved. The possiblitiy of scarring had crossed my mind. I wont be symmetrical, the cuts are not symmetrical.

Why must my OCD start to kick in now. I thought it had disappeared. I shivered, the room had no source of warmth. At least Ikuto had the decency to put my boxers and trousers back on.

I hung my head, i had no strength left.


Souls POV

We have been searching for hours, and we have found nothing. Maka and Blackstar have been searching for Kids soul wavelength, but havent sensed it at all.

Liz and Patty were no help, they walked behind us miserably. They lagged behind slowing out search for Kid.

"Right! I have had enough!" I said and turn to Kids weapons. " you two need to either walk faster and help look for Kid or you can leave, you are slowing everything down!"

Patty looked up at me, her eyes were bloodshot as were Liz's.

"We're sorry, i cant bear to think what Ikuto is doing to Kid! I get this feeling that he is in danger and i- we cant do anything to stop it!" Liz broke down into tears. Patty knelt next to her sister and hugged her.

I walked over to the sisters and knelt infront of them.

"Im sorry too, im just scared and worried for Kid-"

" we didnt mean for any of this to happen!" Patty said.

"We - we got so carried away with be able to be independant, that- that we forgot how Kid must have been feeling when we left." Liz explained.

Maka and the others came over to comfort the sisters as i stood up.

"Dont worry, im sure Kid will understand" i said, not really understanding myself. Those two have always been confusing.

"Our main priority is finding Kid, so lets keep moving" i said.

Everyone agreed and we set off firther into the outskirts hoping that Kid wasnt too far.

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