The Aztec Moonstone

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Years ago

"Elena Gilbert" Elijah muttered as he saw the doppelganger waiting for him at the gazebo as the designated place of meeting.

Elena turned around as she heard her name uttered.

"Elijah!!" she said stunned at the sight of the vampire she had heard about, but never till then saw him, not in a drawing or a photo. He was nothing like Katherine described him. This monster, as he was referred to, had a charming, handsome and extraordinarily sexy countenance.
Elena gulped a bit as he neared her. In his pristine suit he resembled a gentleman from another time.
Elena decided to approach him with a stern attitude.

"You are a little late." she said giving him a look of disappointment.

"Hello! I do apologize," he then said in his gentlemanly manner,"unfortunately it was not to be helped."
The vampire looked at her mesmerized. She looked exactly the same as Katherine, the doppelganger he had met in 1493- and yet she, Elena, shone with a different light.

"I heard you are a man of your word," Elena started,"living according to old codes?!"

"I am. I make a deal, I keep a deal,"Elijah said proudly,"how about you? Can I trust you?"

Elena now produced a dagger, Elijah was amazed to see.

"Can this seal the deal?" Elena asked.

Elijah looked at the dagger and then at her. How was she in possession of it? It was missing for thousand years.

"You have a deal" Elijah said reaching for the dagger.

Elena whispered out words as his hand touched the dagger-"de manu mea et de manu eius" linking him with her.

"What did you just do?" he felt an unusual tingling go through his hand.

"Undoing a spell" Elena lied.

"You are witch??!" he said surprised.

"Yes," Elena replied still very much composed,"but not like the ones you know"

Elijah was taken aback. Something shifted, and it was not the magic. His heart felt a beat of a different kind.

Elena was ready to leave. She got what she came  for. She gave him a glance of I'll see you around as she stepped sideways ready to move when he grabbed her by the arm pulling her towards him. Slightly surprised at his reaction she looked down at his hand holding her arm not bemused and then at him deep in the eyes surging out -you wanted something?

Elijah let go off of her arm ashamed at his action, "An explanation!"

Elena turned away, gazing out the window.


"Elijah Mikaelson is one of the Original vampires. That's what they call themselves. Original they really are not. But, they are the oldest known vampires." Tessa said to Elena.
"Great," Elena said miffed,"what more do I get to find out on my 18th birthday?"

"That without him you won't be able to unlock the magic. And yet, Aya is linked by his blood- and she directly keeps all the members of the Strix entangled. Here is a dagger that the Mikaelsons were searching for ever since they were turned. This doesn't just put them to sleep, it has the magic that could kill them as it is smeared with the blood of the doppelganger who made them." Tessa elaborated.

"If I give this to him, we have nothing to leverage with?!" Elena looked at the witch confused.

"You need to gain his trust. We need him. He doesn't trust us. We went back on the deal when Katherine turned."

"Why would he trust me then?"

"He also needs you. To get rid of a curse set on his brother's child. It's all very much complicated" Tessa concluded.

Everything was a complication, all right. Elena knew it, and she could see in Elijah's eyes that he knew it too.

"Some other time." Elena said.

"No. Now!" Elijah demanded. He was agitated.

Elena took his hand now.

"Ostenderent ei causa!" Elena uttered and a surge of magic went like electrical impulse to Elijah's head-now showing him the picture of himself being daggered by Aya.

He looked at Elena with even greater astonishment than before.

"I intend to stop it!" Elena said.


"Yes, me." she said boldly.

Elena then left and he looked after her as she scampered away into the town leaving him with a mark that would stay with him forever. That first meeting made him break every rule in his heart he had harboured till then.
Present time

Elijah played with an oblong stone. The stone Elena called the moon stone- she had a story attached to the stone she gave him

" When Jack Sparrow and the crew of the Black Pearl visited Sri Sumbhajee's Palace, Carolina was given a moonstone from Sumbhajee's wife Parvati. She told her that it would protect her and that she would let her keep it if she and the crew were able to find Sri Sumbhajee's assassin. They did so, and Carolina was able to keep it.

During his attempt to conquer the Caribbean, the undead pirate Jolly Roger placed a curse on the moon. When Jack Sparrow got wind of Jolly's plan, he stole the ancient Aztec relic called the Moonstone from one of Jolly Roger's henchman. Now his curse can be broken and only affects those on land, not at sea."

"What an interesting tale"- Elijah said wondrously looking at the stone that did shine like it was bestowed with the light of the moon.

"Believe it or not- but this is something that I give you to keep you safe- on land and sea."- Elena said.

"Is this a witch in you talking?"- he said smiling a little.

"There is a witch in me talking all the time."- Elena joked and her eyes shone with warm sincerity that pulled him to her and if he was a man cursed to love her he wouldn't have minded, as long as those brown chestnut eyes would always look at him in that manner.

"From the moment I met you - all has been like a tale"- Elijah said-"a marvelous one at that"- he now gently neared his hand to her and placed a kiss.

Was it the magic she layed on him that they or was it just the mere look in her eyes that let him right into her soul for one reason or another, but his heart felt the warmth he had not felt for centuries. Despite the burden she carried, she had a pure will for life, playfulness but also determination to make dreams into reality.
He smiled a little as he looked at the Moonstone. Fake or real, it was a token of their struggle. A struggle to see their love shine openly one of these days.


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