Chapter 6

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Hey guys! I decided to update today because writing takes away some of my anxiety... so yeah. Thank you so much for reading. I know I say that a lot. But it's cause I seriously really mean it. Imma switch it up a little this chapter. So let's do this, shall we? ~Neek xoxo


      I know what the guys are thinking, my plan is fucking brilliant. And it's about time that we get back at those bastards. They've tormented us ever since we got to that dump. Especialy Austin, for some strange reason. And Austin is my best fucking friend. Shit like that doesn't fly with me.

     Phil and I say goodbye to the guys and they head out into the warm Costa Mesa night. Phil and I exchange looks, and I see his eyes flicker down to my lips. Instantly I know what he wants, and I want the same. So I push my drunk ass body against his. He gives me a huge smile, and I lean in to kiss him.

      I'm entranced by his warm lips against mine. He slides his tongue into my open mouth while I run my fingers through his auburn hair. We kiss again, and again. And honestly, Phil is an amazing kisser.

      I think I'll keep this kid around for a while.


       I wake up the next morning with a huge headache. I feel like an elephant decided to plant it's wrinkly ass on my head.

        I almost scorn at myself. I love elephants. I must be in a pretty fucked up mood.

      My right wrist seems to definitely agree with me. The blood has spilled over onto the sheets, some of it crusted from siting for so long. It smells like rotting metal. Hurriedly, I yank the balck sheets off my bed and run with them downstairs to the laundry room.

         After stuffing them in there are turning it on, I take a sigh of relief. I drag myself back up to my room to change. I cringe at my raw scars, and think of cleaning them with rubbing alcohol. 'Screw it' I think to myself. 'As if anyone would care.'

      Soon all of us are walking down the street to school. I don't remember where I put my spare wrist bands, so a few of my cuts are showing. I really hope no one notices.

      "I think we should commence in our plan on Friday. That way, we'll have sweet revenge topped off with the lake." Alan said to everyone. "Commence?" Tino asked. "Since when do you use big words? Oh no, all this plan stuff is getting to your head." Aaron laughs and I manage to laugh along with him without choking.

      Whether it actually works or not, I do a lot to cover up the fact that I cut. Alan doesn't know about every time, or at least that's what I hope is the case. But he might be humoring me. Either way, I have to act completely casual. Like nothing is happening.

      "You okay, man?" Aaron asked me as we approached the school steps. I froze. Aaron can't possibly suspect anything. Can he? Are my scars visible? I swallow thickly before answering. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I look at him. He looks down and ruffles his short hair. "I was just wondering. You know, with Jessica and all." I relax a little.

       "Oh no I'm totally fine. I broke up with her, remember?" I tried to joke, and punched his shoulder playfully. He laughed softly and nodded.

      Tino did his usual departing, and the rest of us headed to Aaron's locker. It wasn't long before Phil showed up. He wrapped his tan arms around Alan's waist. Alan turned around, saw it was him, and kissed him softly on the lips. I looked down and away, probably faster than I should have.

      "Awh, the little love birds." Aaron said as he put a binder on his locker shelf. "Shut up." Alan said, laughing, and shoved Aaron. His head almost flew into the locker.

When You Can't Sleep At Night (an Of Mice & Men Fanfiction; Austlan)Where stories live. Discover now